News & press releases

PES welcomes the endorsement of Kamala Harris as presidential candidate by the U.S. Democrats
Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation

PES welcomes the endorsement of Kamala Harris as presidential candidate by the U.S. Democrats

Giacomo Filibeck and Salvador Ilia

PES congratulates the newly elected President of Catalonia, Salvador Illa

Israel-Gaza: PES president welcomes the ceasefire agreement and hostages release

Israel-Gaza: PES president welcomes the ceasefire agreement and hostages release

On the recent ceasfire agreement between Israel and Hamas, the PES president Stefan Löfven said: “I welcome the agreement that allowed the first release of…

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
Members of the PES MIN meeting by videoconference

PES calls for urgent adoption of EU migration pact

The EU must urgently adopt the new Pact on Migration and Asylum. This was the call today from progressives meeting in the Migration and Integration…

Democracy, Justice, Rule of Law
PES stands by Frans Timmermans and the GroenLinks-PvdA to protect democracy and Europe

PES stands by Frans Timmermans and the GroenLinks-PvdA to protect democracy and Europe

The PES commends the PvdA-GroenLinks coalition led by Frans Timmermans for the strong election result, for standing for a more just and sustainable society, for…

Democracy, Justice, Rule of Law
Prime Minister of Spain Pedro Sánchez (left) and PES President Stefan Löfven on stage at the PES Congress in Málaga, Spain

European Socialists hail Pedro Sánchez’s investiture as Spain’s next PM

The Party of European Socialists (PES) commends Pedro Sánchez on securing parliamentary support to lead a new progressive government after his investiture as Prime Minister…

Pictured from left: Klara Geywitz, Federal Minister for Housing, Urban Development and Building, Germany, Roderick Galdes, Minister for Social and Affordable Accommodation, Malta, Raquel Sánchez Jiménez, Minister for Transport, Mobility and the Urban Agenda, Spain, and Marina Gonçalves, Minister for Housing, Portugal.

Ministers focused on action to boost social housing and combat homelessness

Convening in Gijón and ahead of the Informal Ministerial Meeting on Housing and Urban Development hosted by the Spanish Presidency, ministers from the Party of…

Employment, Social affairs, Health
Heads of state and government, European Commissioners, and leaders of member parties and organisations at the PES Leaders’ Meeting during the PES Congress in Málaga.

High level speakers at the second day of the PES Congress in Malaga

Determination for 2024 European elections, as PES Congress hails new members of PES leadership team Heads of government, European Commissioners, progressive members of the European…


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