News & press releases
Investing in democratic values: fighting populism and fake news
Populism is on the rise and fake news has become a reality around the globe. On all continents, progressives are facing the very same issues – issues that may have a devastating impact on democracy and on the values we have been fighting for, including gender equality, fighting discrimination, promoting rights of minorities, tolerance, freedom of the media, and social justice.
PES prime ministers: EU social dimension has been neglected for too long
Prime ministers from the Party of European Socialists called for an urgent action plan to give effect to recent declarations on the European pillar of social rights when they met to prepare common positions for the European Council meeting this afternoon.
Progressive Ministers for European Affairs demand a specific Action Plan on the implementation of Social Europe
European affairs ministers from the Party of European Socialists discussed the lack of any reference to social policy at the upcoming European Council during their meeting in Luxembourg on 20 June. Ministers agreed that a clear schedule for implementing the elements of the EU Social Pillar is crucial.
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