News & press releases

S&D Bureau away day, Genval

Genval Declaration – S&D and PES commit to fairer, safer and stronger Union

PES: We must be united and stronger than ever

PES: We must be united and stronger than ever

Pictured front row from left: PES Secretary General Giacomo Filibeck, PES Vice-President Victor Negrescu, SPD Germany Spitzenkandidat and PES Executive Vice-President Katarina Barley, S&D President and PES Executive Vice-President Iratxe García, PES Common Candidate Nicolas Schmit, Prime Minister of Romania Marcel Ciolacu, Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholz, PES President Stefan Löfven, Leader of CHP Özgür Özel, Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti. Pictured back row from left: PES Deputy Secretary General Yonnec Polet, Leader of PSDE Moldova Ion Sula, head of PSD-PNL candidate list for the European elections Mihai Tudose, Leader of the Labour Party Ireland Ivana Bacik, President of YES Enric López Jurado, Minister for the National Heritage, the Arts and Local Government Owen Bonnici.

In Bucharest, we stand together for our Europe

Social, democratic and sustainable – this is our Europe. That was the message as the Common Candidate of the Party of European Socialists (PES) Nicolas…

DEM candidate Abdullah Zeydan

Turkey: PES condemns ban on Kurdish candidate Abdullah Zeydan after Sunday’s historic victory

The Party of European Socialists condemns the decision by Turkey’s Ministry of Justice to ban Abdullah Zeydan from office despite his clear victory in the city…


Turkish local elections: Opposition victory heralds change

The PES congratulates its Turkish associated member parties CHP and DEM on their stunning victory in the Turkish local elections held on Sunday. CHP (Republican…

Future of Europe & Neighbourhood
PES stands with Zita Gurmai against persecution from Orban regime

PES stands with Zita Gurmai against persecution from Orban regime

The PES is deeply worried by the news that the Hungarian Prosecutor’s Office interrogated Zita Gurmai, president of PES Women and a member of the…

Gender Equality, Feminism, Diversity
Serbian Parliament Plenary

PES condemns hate speech used in the Serbian Parliament

The PES condemns the hate speech used by prominent members of the Serbian ruling party during a recent session of the National Assembly of the…

Future of Europe & Neighbourhood
PES Women at CSW: eradicate poverty of women and girls to strengthen global gender equality

PES Women at CSW: eradicate poverty of women and girls to strengthen global gender equality

From 11 – 15 March, PES Women President Zita Gurmai, Vice-President Katrine Skov, and Coordinator Ana Pirtskhalava were in New York for the 68th session of the…

Gender Equality, Feminism, Diversity

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