News & press releases

PES deeply regrets Trump’s sabotage of Iran deal

PES deeply regrets Trump’s sabotage of Iran deal

The Party of European Socialists deeply regrets the decision of president Trump to pull the United States out of the nuclear deal with Iran, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPA).

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
PES and European Parliament unite to oppose Philippine abuses

PES and European Parliament unite to oppose Philippine abuses

The Party of European Socialists welcomes the overwhelming support of Members of the European Parliament to oppose human rights abuses by the government of the Philippines.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
PES representative detained and expelled from Philippines

PES representative detained and expelled from Philippines

The Party of European Socialists protests in the strongest possible terms the unjustified detention and deportation today (Sunday) of one of its senior representatives by the government of the Philippines.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
Syrian crisis needs a swift ceasefire agreement and a political solution, not a military one

Syrian crisis needs a swift ceasefire agreement and a political solution, not a military one

The Party of European Socialists calls for a peaceful solution and diplomatic talks in the light of the frightening escalation of the crisis in Syria.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
PES worried about the openness and the fairness of upcoming election in Brazil

PES worried about the openness and the fairness of upcoming election in Brazil

Sending one of the candidates for president of Brazil to jail a few months before the elections might harm to the democratic process in the country. The PES is concerned about the perspectives for fair and open presidential elections in October.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
PES and Progressive Alliance on a mission to Malaysia, call for fair elections

PES and Progressive Alliance on a mission to Malaysia, call for fair elections

The Party of European Socialists is concerned about the lack of conditions for free and fair voting process in Malaysia in the light of upcoming national elections planned for August. A delegation of the Progressive Alliance, where the PES is represented, has visited Malaysia early this week on an observation mission.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation

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