News & press releases

Company law package: Good opportunity to safeguard workers’ rights in the single market

Company law package: Good opportunity to safeguard workers’ rights in the single market

The PES welcomes the European Commission’s proposals to strengthen company law and safeguard workers’ rights in Europe, announced today by Commission first vice-president Frans Timmermans.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
Employment and social ministers call for strong Social Fund

Employment and social ministers call for strong Social Fund

Socialist ministers are firmly committed to fighting for a strong European Social Fund which will help to end poverty and social exclusion, as well as promoting employment and skills development, and successfully integrating refugees throughout Europe.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
Employment and social ministers: Social Triple A requires strong implementation

Employment and social ministers: Social Triple A requires strong implementation

Socialist ministers resolved to keep up the pressure for a more social Europe to ensure that promises are delivered and implemented.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
PES glad that a fair EU budget is gaining momentum, calls for Commission to speed process up

PES glad that a fair EU budget is gaining momentum, calls for Commission to speed process up

The Party of European Socialists supports today’s decision of the European finance ministers to make intermediaries — tax advisors, accountants and lawyers — legally accountable for cases of tax fraud or tax dodging.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
PES: Social fairness package fails to live up to promises

PES: Social fairness package fails to live up to promises

The long-awaited social fairness package published by the European Commission today falls short of what was promised in several key respects, the Party of European Socialists warns.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
PES health ministers prioritise top quality healthcare for all

PES health ministers prioritise top quality healthcare for all

Providing the highest standards of public health for all Europeans is a priority, agreed health ministers from the PES political family.

Employment, Social affairs, Health

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