News & press releases

PES to Juncker: Europe needs social protection

PES to Juncker: Europe needs social protection

The Party of European Socialists yesterday asked the president of the European Commission to ensure that next week’s ‘Social Fairness Package’ delivers adequate social protection measures.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
Success on the horizon for posted workers reform

Success on the horizon for posted workers reform

EU lawmakers have reached agreement on reforming the rules for posted workers in Europe — putting one of the PES’s major policy priorities within reach for the first time.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
PES president explains progressive stance in ‘jobs & digital economy’ discussion

PES president explains progressive stance in ‘jobs & digital economy’ discussion

The PES is leading the fight to address the unwanted consequences of digitisation.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
PES to defend rights of Brussels Deliveroo workers

PES to defend rights of Brussels Deliveroo workers

Members of the PES Social Europe Network today met workers from Deliveroo Brussels to support their ongoing action to defend their employment rights against the delivery service.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
Progressive PMs will strengthen social agenda and EMU, praise PESCO

Progressive PMs will strengthen social agenda and EMU, praise PESCO

Genuine social and economic progress are finally within our grasp if Europe’s leaders are willing to give them the emphasis they deserve. This was the view of Party of European Socialists prime ministers at their coordination meeting ahead of the European Council today.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
Michael Roth: Long-awaited social agenda is essential for Europe

Michael Roth: Long-awaited social agenda is essential for Europe

The General Affairs Council is meeting today in Brussels to prepare the agenda of the December European Council.

Employment, Social affairs, Health

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