News & press releases

PES Transport Ministers: Commission “Mobility Package” must stop unfair competition and protect transport workers

PES Transport Ministers: Commission “Mobility Package” must stop unfair competition and protect transport workers

PES Transport Ministers will fight for more fairness in the European transport market to stop social dumping in the sector.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
PES issues warning against Commission proposal to phase out social electricity tariffs

PES issues warning against Commission proposal to phase out social electricity tariffs

Social electricity tariffs that protect poorer households from energy poverty should not be phased out until measures are in place to tackle the root causes of energy poverty, the Party of European Socialists has warned.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
PES President against ban of social electricity tariffs

PES President against ban of social electricity tariffs

Phasing out regulated energy prices could have unintended adverse effects on vulnerable and energy-poor households in Europe, warned Sergei Stanishev, president of the Party of European Socialists.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
Social Europe network: For a Europe people can trust – a proposal for a solid European Pillar of Social Rights

Social Europe network: For a Europe people can trust – a proposal for a solid European Pillar of Social Rights

The Party of European Socialists fights for a Europe that stands against inequality, for decent working conditions, and for strong social protection.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
Statement on intergenerational solidarity

Statement on intergenerational solidarity

A joint statement on solidarity among different ages has been issued by the Party of European Socialists, the Young European Socialists, and the European Seniors’ Organisation.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
PES: Malta’s minimum wage increase reflects progress and stability

PES: Malta’s minimum wage increase reflects progress and stability

PES welcomes the Maltese government’s decision to raise the minimum wage, following discussions with social partners.

Employment, Social affairs, Health

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