News & press releases

PES welcomes European pillar of social rights, but highlights work still to do

PES welcomes European pillar of social rights, but highlights work still to do

The Party of the European Socialists welcomes the European Commission’s first steps towards a more social Europe — but we believe that they should go further.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
Progressive European ministers call for a Europe with strong social rights

Progressive European ministers call for a Europe with strong social rights

The European Ministers from the Party of European Socialists discussed the need to strengthen social and worker’s rights in Europe at their meeting in Luxembourg on 27 March and welcomed that the European Commission is taking the initiative on the European pillar of social rights.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
PES employment ministers: Commission must deliver a more social Europe

PES employment ministers: Commission must deliver a more social Europe

Meeting in Malta immediately before the Informal EPSCO Council, PES employment and social ministers reiterated their demand for the Commission to propose a strong and ambitious European Pillar of Social Rights in April.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
Malta’s strong social measures paved the way for economic success

Malta’s strong social measures paved the way for economic success

PES hails the fiscal success achieved by the Maltese Labour government of Joseph Muscat, which has turned the country’s economy around in just four years –- and done so while also implementing unprecedented social measures.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
PES leaders vow stronger, fairer and more social Europe

PES leaders vow stronger, fairer and more social Europe

Progressive heads of state and government from across Europe are meeting on the eve of the Treaty of Rome anniversary to agree a common position on the European Union’s future.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
First meeting of PES health ministers endorses child guarantee

First meeting of PES health ministers endorses child guarantee

The first ever gathering of the Party of European Socialists’ health ministers has strongly backed the PES Child Guarantee, which seeks to secure free healthcare, adequate…

Employment, Social affairs, Health

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