News & press releases

PES congratulates Portuguese Partido Socialista on historic election result

PES congratulates Portuguese Partido Socialista on historic election result

The PES warmly congratulates Partido Socialista from Portugal on its landslide victory in the local elections, where it set a new record in both votes earned and city councils won, including 10 out of 17 major cities.

Democracy, Justice, Rule of Law
PES calls on Spanish and Catalonian governments to enter dialogue

PES calls on Spanish and Catalonian governments to enter dialogue

Following the crisis in the context of the Catalonian referendum, PES calls on the central Spanish government and the Catalonian government to enter political dialogue, and supports the stance of PSC and PSOE.

Democracy, Justice, Rule of Law
PES member parties discuss election strategies at UK Labour conference

PES member parties discuss election strategies at UK Labour conference

Representatives from a number of progressive and socialist parties across Europe met at the UK Labour party conference as part of the PES Taskforce Elections to discuss and develop electoral strategies.

Democracy, Justice, Rule of Law
Elections in Germany: an alarming signal

Elections in Germany: an alarming signal

Yesterday’s general election in Germany was a setback in the fight against the far-right in Europe. A nationalistic party will be represented in the German parliament and it is already receiving congratulations from far-right allies in France and the Netherlands, who suffered defeat in their respective national elections earlier this year.

Democracy, Justice, Rule of Law
Progressive Ministers for European Affairs defend European values and foster an ambitious agenda for Europe

Progressive Ministers for European Affairs defend European values and foster an ambitious agenda for Europe

European affairs ministers from the Party of European Socialists reaffirmed their commitment to defending the rule of law and respecting human rights in the EU, and welcomed the fact that this discussion will continue during the Estonian Presidency.

Democracy, Justice, Rule of Law
SPD will fight inequalities and bring Europe closer together

SPD will fight inequalities and bring Europe closer together

The Party of European Socialists firmly supports its member party Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (SPD) ahead of the German general election this Sunday.

Democracy, Justice, Rule of Law

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