News & press releases

EUCO must show unity now and defend citizens, PES Europe ministers urge

EUCO must show unity now and defend citizens, PES Europe ministers urge

Building on the solidarity shown at the outset of the coronavirus pandemic, European leaders must continue to act together to defend Europeans from spiralling prices and strengthen European security. This was the message as Europe ministers from the Party of European Socialists (PES) met in Brussels today.

Future of Europe & Neighbourhood
Europe ministers condemn Russian actions in Ukraine and call for the respect of fundamental values in the EU

Europe ministers condemn Russian actions in Ukraine and call for the respect of fundamental values in the EU

The annual dialogue on the rule of law must not duck tough questions on adherence to European values, progressive ministers cautioned today as they met in Luxembourg to exchange on key issues facing Europe ahead of the General Affairs Council (GAC).

Future of Europe & Neighbourhood
PES Europe ministers: EUCO must set path to a truly strategic Union

PES Europe ministers: EUCO must set path to a truly strategic Union

The European Council must lay the groundwork for a more strategic Europe, ministers from the Party of European Socialists said today as they met to coordinate ahead of the General Affairs Council.

Future of Europe & Neighbourhood
PES President welcomes Prime Minister of North Macedonia in Brussels

PES President welcomes Prime Minister of North Macedonia in Brussels

A European, progressive, future for the Western Balkans – this is the shared mission reaffirmed today by the Party of European Socialists (PES) and its North Macedonia associate member party SDSM.

Future of Europe & Neighbourhood
PES congratulates António Costa and PS Portugal on overwhelming election victory

PES congratulates António Costa and PS Portugal on overwhelming election victory

The Party of European Socialists welcomes Prime Minister António Costa’s victory in the general election on Sunday, where his Socialist Party (PS) secured a majority in parliament, opening the way for a stable government in Portugal.

Future of Europe & Neighbourhood
PES welcomes vote for stability in Italian presidential election

PES welcomes vote for stability in Italian presidential election

The re-election of President Sergio Mattarella is a positive signal for Italy which provides the stability needed to continue making progress on the recovery, the Party of European Socialists said today. Thanks to the firm and constructive approach of the PES full member party Partito Democratico, and its leader Enrico Letta, there has been a positive conclusion to a very challenging situation.

Future of Europe & Neighbourhood

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