News & press releases

PES ministers: the EU must combat social imbalances

PES ministers: the EU must combat social imbalances

The time has come to give social and macroeconomic matters equal consideration in the European Semester, Employment and Social Affairs Ministers from the Party of European Socialists said today.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
PES employment ministers reiterate call for fair wages for all

PES employment ministers reiterate call for fair wages for all

Every worker in Europe must have access to strengthened collective bargaining and adequate minimum wages, employment and social affairs ministers from the PES stated today as they pledged action to end exploitative low pay.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
PES Social Europe Network hails introduction of European Child Guarantee

PES Social Europe Network hails introduction of European Child Guarantee

Flagship progressive policy which aims to eliminate child poverty is a milestone on the road to Social Europe, socialists and democrats said today as they welcomed the adoption of the European Child Guarantee. Now it is time to realise the rest of the Porto Social Commitment, the PES Social Europe Network insisted.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
Socialist back stronger EU agencies to safeguard citizens’ health

Socialist back stronger EU agencies to safeguard citizens’ health

The EU must begin increasing its preparedness for future cross-border health threats, ministers from the Party of European Socialists agreed today as they vowed to support the strengthening of European agencies such as the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA).

Employment, Social affairs, Health
PES EPSCO: there can be no delay on delivering social summit commitments

PES EPSCO: there can be no delay on delivering social summit commitments

The EU must accelerate its move towards a social Europe guided by the Porto Social Summit declaration, employment and social affairs ministers from the PES stated today as they met to coordinate ahead of the EPSCO Council meeting next week.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
Call to Europe 10: PES adds voice to push for inclusive and sustainable recovery

Call to Europe 10: PES adds voice to push for inclusive and sustainable recovery

Fighting inequalities and ensuring an inclusive and sustainable recovery is the focus as top progressive voices join forces for the online conference ‘Recovering Europe: Mind the Social Gaps’, the 10th edition of Call to Europe organised by the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS).

Employment, Social affairs, Health

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