News & press releases

PES welcomes European Parliament report on social Europe

PES welcomes European Parliament report on social Europe

A strong social Europe for Just Transitions – a report adopted today by the European Parliament – is an important milestone on the road to a truly social Europe, the Party of European Socialists said today as it welcomed the measures it contains.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
PES: recovery and MFF success brings hope for a better 2021

PES: recovery and MFF success brings hope for a better 2021

The Party of European Socialists welcomes the European Parliament’s endorsement of a recovery plan and Multiannual financial framework (MFF) which provides safeguards for the Rule of Law. The realisation of the European Council agreement from July puts the vital support progressives have been pushing for within reach.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
Social Europe Network adopts plan to put citizen’s wellbeing at the heart of policymaking

Social Europe Network adopts plan to put citizen’s wellbeing at the heart of policymaking

MEPs, representatives from PES member parties and organisations, trade unionists and civil society today endorsed a comprehensive policy document which aims to put wellbeing at the centre of society. This principle – the wellbeing of citizens – must be a guiding framework for European Union policy, the PES Social Europe Network (SEN) agreed today.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
PES ministers back stronger rights for platform workers

PES ministers back stronger rights for platform workers

Technological progress and digitisation must no longer benefit big business alone – workers in the platform economy deserve better working conditions and stronger social protection. Progressives will support EU efforts to achieve this, a meeting of PES Ministers for Employment and Social Affairs agreed today.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
Covid-19 response must be the start of an improved European cooperation on health

Covid-19 response must be the start of an improved European cooperation on health

Approved Covid-19 vaccines must be rapidly distributed in a way which reaches all citizens and Member States, health ministers from the PES demanded today as they met by videoconference to discuss the Covid-19 response and the EU’s longer-term plan for the pharmaceutical industry.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
PES welcomes agreement on MFF and recovery package

PES welcomes agreement on MFF and recovery package

A fairer and more sustainable Europe is in sight, the Party of European Socialists said today as it welcomed the agreement on the next multiannual financial framework (MFF) and recovery package.

Employment, Social affairs, Health

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