News & press releases

PES Europe ministers call for a European recovery strategy that respects democratic values

PES Europe ministers call for a European recovery strategy that respects democratic values

The next Multiannual Budget for Europe and recovery fund must promote and enhance respect for the rule of law, Europe ministers from the PES said today as they met by videoconference.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
Social democrats call for societal reset

Social democrats call for societal reset

Only an economic and social reset will get Europe and the Netherlands out of this crisis, the social democratic family declared today at a Dutch Labour Party (PvdA) event.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
SURE: PES welcomes lifeline for Europe’s workers

SURE: PES welcomes lifeline for Europe’s workers

The PES strongly backs the European Commission’s proposal on financial support for unemployment risks, that have been presented to the Council of the EU for approval. We call on the Council to give the green light as soon as possible, so this European solution can be set in motion and Europe’s workers can receive the help they need.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
PES: Recovery fund was delivered right on time

PES: Recovery fund was delivered right on time

The PES welcomes the EU recovery plan, adopted early this morning by the European Council. The plan, which adds to the EU Budget €750 billion of common debt to respond to the coronavirus pandemic, will allow the Union to start the recovery process immediately.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
Socialists urge European Council to agree a strong, social and sustainable recovery deal

Socialists urge European Council to agree a strong, social and sustainable recovery deal

It is vital that the European Council backs an ambitious recovery strategy, socialist and democratic prime ministers, commissioners and leaders agreed in Brussels today.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
PES Europe ministers urge EUCO to quickly strike a decisive deal on the European budget and recovery fund

PES Europe ministers urge EUCO to quickly strike a decisive deal on the European budget and recovery fund

Socialists and democrats are backing a swift deal on the next Multiannual Budget for Europe and a recovery fund which harnesses the potential of new own resources, Europe ministers from the PES said today as they met by videoconference.

Employment, Social affairs, Health

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