News & press releases

PES on Labour Day: Reducing social impact, protecting jobs, and achieving sustainability should be at the core of recovery from COVID crisis

PES on Labour Day: Reducing social impact, protecting jobs, and achieving sustainability should be at the core of recovery from COVID crisis

With Europe in lockdown the PES took Labour Day online with a livestream featuring a progressive prime minister, commissioners and leaders.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
EU Council must back massive recovery fund today, solidarity is crucial

EU Council must back massive recovery fund today, solidarity is crucial

The European Council must take its lead from the spirt of collective action and solidarity that is thriving in communities across Europe, PES President Sergei Stanishev concluded during a videoconference with PES prime ministers and leaders today. The COVID-19 recovery fund must be massive and should support trademark socialist policies to save lives and protect jobs.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
PES European ministers: EU Council must outline ambitious political vision to protect Europeans

PES European ministers: EU Council must outline ambitious political vision to protect Europeans

Europe must take bold action to strengthen the national health sectors, to save people’s jobs and to ensure a sustainable and inclusive economic recovery, the Europe ministers from the PES family said today after a video conference.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
SEN debate plans to save jobs, strengthen health services and revitalise EU economies

SEN debate plans to save jobs, strengthen health services and revitalise EU economies

Socialists and democrats are working to bring Europe’s health services, employment and economies back to full strength, this was the focus of today’s PES Social Europe Network (SEN) videoconference.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
PES EPSCO: EU must activate unemployment scheme as soon as possible

PES EPSCO: EU must activate unemployment scheme as soon as possible

Support to mitigate Unemployment Risks in an Emergency (known as SURE) must be activated as soon as possible, this was the conclusion of the PES Employment and Social Affairs Ministers videoconference meeting today.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
COVID-19: PES economic network examines recovery plan

COVID-19: PES economic network examines recovery plan

Decisive national and EU-level actions to save lives and protect jobs were on the agenda of today’s PES Financial and Economic Network (FEN).

Employment, Social affairs, Health

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