News & press releases

Commissioner-designate Nicolas Schmit joins progressive EPSCO Ministers to discuss plans for new mandate

Commissioner-designate Nicolas Schmit joins progressive EPSCO Ministers to discuss plans for new mandate

More social Europe, more equality and more fairness, this was the emphasis at today’s meeting of the PES EPSCO ministerial network in Luxembourg.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
PES Academy shapes new progressive agenda

PES Academy shapes new progressive agenda

The PES Academy has brought together young professionals and activists representing over 20 PES parties and organisations for an intensive training programme, for the fifth consecutive year.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
PES Training Academy in Brussels and Leuven

PES Training Academy in Brussels and Leuven

Five years after the first edition in 2014, the PES European Training Academy gathered activists from all around Europe at the PES headquarters in Brussels yesterday. More than 40 representatives from more than 20 member parties were welcomed by Marije Laffeber, PES Deputy Secretary-General and by Michael Hoppe, Secretary-General of the S&D Group in the European Parliament.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
No region, no person left behind with Elisa Ferreira

No region, no person left behind with Elisa Ferreira

The Commissioner-designate for Cohesion and Reforms is the right person to ensure Europe moves forward together, the Party of European Socialists said today as it backed Elisa Ferreira’s candidacy following a strong performance at the parliamentary hearing.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
Schmit proves he can deliver on jobs and social rights as Commissioner

Schmit proves he can deliver on jobs and social rights as Commissioner

Commissioner-designate Nicolas Schmit showed a strong progressive vision and a clear commitment to work for a more social and prosperous Europe as he faced a Parliamentary hearing today, the Party of European Socialists (PES) said.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
PES ready to work together with our Commissioners for progressive change

PES ready to work together with our Commissioners for progressive change

The Party of European Socialists is looking forward to a close cooperation with the new European Commission and its ten Commissioner-designates from the PES family.

Employment, Social affairs, Health

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