News & press releases

PES will hold new President to promise of a more sustainable, equal, and just Europe

PES will hold new President to promise of a more sustainable, equal, and just Europe

It is now time to begin working for a more sustainable, more equal, and more just Europe, the PES said today as it pledged to hold the new Commission President to the commitments she outlined before her appointment.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
Progressive commitments needed from the next Commission

Progressive commitments needed from the next Commission

The next European Commission must commit to progressive priorities, PES President Sergei Stanishev said today.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
PES welcomes new progressive Parliament president

PES welcomes new progressive Parliament president

The PES welcomes the election of David-Maria Sassoli as the new president of the European Parliament.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
Europe must do more on housing

Europe must do more on housing

More affordable homes will create a more cohesive Europe, Ministers from the PES said today as they threw their weight behind efforts to address the availability and cost of housing.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
New mandate is the momentum to transform Europe for the better

New mandate is the momentum to transform Europe for the better

Progressive principles and policies must be at the centre of the next mandate, Ministers of European Affairs from the PES agreed today during their discussion on the next legislative term.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
Let’s use the next five years to ensure protection for all workers

Let’s use the next five years to ensure protection for all workers

The upcoming mandate is the moment to finally ensure that all workers are properly protected, the Party of European Socialists said ahead of today’s Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO).

Employment, Social affairs, Health

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