News & press releases

PES tourism ministers’ declaration: a way forward to relaunch European tourism

PES tourism ministers’ declaration: a way forward to relaunch European tourism

Tourism ministers from Spain, Italy, Malta and Portugal today signed a joint declaration calling for a coordinated relaunch of European tourism which boosts the industry and guarantees the health and safety of tourists and local populations.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
PES: COVID crisis confirms the need for affordable and quality healthcare for all

PES: COVID crisis confirms the need for affordable and quality healthcare for all

Guaranteeing universal access to affordable and quality healthcare must be a priority for the EU, Europe’s socialist and democratic political family said as it adopted a healthcare declaration at a meeting of the PES Presidency.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
PES declaration strongly urges the European Council to agree on an ambitious Recovery Plan for COVID-19

PES declaration strongly urges the European Council to agree on an ambitious Recovery Plan for COVID-19

Meeting by videoconference, the PES Presidency today adopted a declaration calling for an ambitious Recovery Fund so the EU can overcome the COVID-19 crisis and move towards a green, social, digital, gender-equal, inclusive and sustainable future.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
#PESTalks: Socialists unified in push for fair and sustainable recovery

#PESTalks: Socialists unified in push for fair and sustainable recovery

Europe’s recovery must be guided by the Pillar of Social Rights and propelled forward by the European Green Deal, the socialist and democratic family said today during a #PESTalks livestream.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
#PESTalks livestream to set out recovery for people, jobs and the economy

#PESTalks livestream to set out recovery for people, jobs and the economy

Europe needs a recovery which works for people and the planet. #PESTalks: a plan for people, jobs and the economy will see key figures from the progressive movement discuss socialist and social democratic plans to rejuvenate Europe post-COVID19.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
PES calls on EU Council to support fair and sustainable recovery plan

PES calls on EU Council to support fair and sustainable recovery plan

Tomorrow leaders must put Europe on course for a fair and sustainable recovery, prime ministers, commissioners and leaders from the socialists and democratic family said at a European Council preparatory meeting today.

Employment, Social affairs, Health

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