News & press releases

PES welcomes final legislative step for Minimum Wages Directive

PES welcomes final legislative step for Minimum Wages Directive

The PES strongly welcomes the adoption today of the Minimum Wages Directive in the Council. The Directive on adequate minimum wages across the EU ensures fair minimum wages that protect workers while strengthening collective bargaining, in full respect of national specificities and competences.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
Social Europe Network

Social Europe Network: from minimum wages to platform work, PES stands with workers

MEPs, representatives from PES member parties and organizations, trade unions, and from civil society hailed the new Directive on Adequate Minimum Wages as discussions continued for a directive on Platform Work.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
Adoption of the Minimum Wages Directive, a socialist success!

Adoption of the Minimum Wages Directive, a socialist success!

MEPs vote means EU Directive for adequate minimum wages will come into force European socialists today celebrate a great victory in their fight to ensure…

Employment, Social affairs, Health
European Commissioners Nicolas Schmit and Helena Dalli

EU Care Strategy is a positive first step

European Commissioners Nicolas Schmit and Helena Dalli

Youth, Education, Inclusiveness
Socialist ministers discuss push for minimum wage

Socialist ministers discuss push for minimum wage

Higher wages for Europe’s lowest paid workers – this is what the EU Directive on adequate minimum wages will deliver through strengthened collective bargaining and improved statutory minimum wages, says Portuguese minister Ana Mendes Godinho.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
European Child Guarantee: socialist Coordinators set sights on success

European Child Guarantee: socialist Coordinators set sights on success

Putting EU policy into practice for every child in need – this was the focus as Child Guarantee Coordinators and representatives from seven socialist governments met in Brussels, Belgium, today.

Employment, Social affairs, Health

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