News & press releases

PES welcomes new rules for a truly European election

PES welcomes new rules for a truly European election

The Party of European Socialists welcomes the new rules strengthening the visibility of European political families in the European elections and the provisions to facilitate voting from a different EU country or 3rd countries, approved yesterday by the European Parliament.

Democracy, Justice, Rule of Law
Sánchez, Faure and Stanishev meet in Paris

Sánchez, Faure and Stanishev meet in Paris

Leading lights of the European socialist movement, including new Spanish prime minister Pedro Sánchez and PS France leader Olivier Faure, met with progressive leaders and activists from around Europe at a Together event in Paris on Friday.

Democracy, Justice, Rule of Law
PES: Migration needs neither Seehofer nor Salvini, but solidarity

PES: Migration needs neither Seehofer nor Salvini, but solidarity

Prime ministers from the Party of European Socialists agreed today that Europe’s public debate on asylum and migration is missing the vital ingredient of solidarity.

Democracy, Justice, Rule of Law
PES Europe ministers call for Poland to respect rule of law

PES Europe ministers call for Poland to respect rule of law

Socialist European affairs ministers met today and condemned the lack of progress of the Polish government in conforming to the rule of law.

Democracy, Justice, Rule of Law
PES common candidate nominations due by 19 October

PES common candidate nominations due by 19 October

The Party of European Socialists will announce nominations for its common candidate for the President of the European Commission by 19 October this year, it was agreed today by representatives of PES member parties and organisations.

Democracy, Justice, Rule of Law
PES: Italian right-wing populists risk innocent lives for electoral gain

PES: Italian right-wing populists risk innocent lives for electoral gain

The new government of Italy, an alliance of populists and the far right, has refused to allow a rescue ship to dock in the southern Italian port of Palermo because it fears a loss of support in local elections.

Democracy, Justice, Rule of Law

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