News & press releases

PES and Lewica focused on fair and sustainable recovery for Poland

PES and Lewica focused on fair and sustainable recovery for Poland

A recovery that supports workers, creates jobs and moves Poland towards a sustainable future was on the agenda as PES President Sergei Stanishev held a strategic discussion with Wlodzimierz Czarzasty and other Lewica leaders in Brussels today.

Future of Europe & Neighbourhood
PES prime ministers welcome enhanced coordination on COVID-19 to reopen Europe

PES prime ministers welcome enhanced coordination on COVID-19 to reopen Europe

Accelerated vaccinations combined with effective coordination at EU level is the only way to safely reopen societies, reinstate free movement and recover from the coronavirus crisis, socialist prime ministers, European Commissioners and leaders agreed today as they met to coordinate ahead of the special meeting of the European Council.

Future of Europe & Neighbourhood
PES Europe ministers: it is time to make our Union more inclusive, more sustainable, and more equal

PES Europe ministers: it is time to make our Union more inclusive, more sustainable, and more equal

It is time to make our Union more inclusive, more sustainable, and more equal, PES Europe ministers said today as they met just days ahead of the inauguration of the Conference on the Future of Europe.

Future of Europe & Neighbourhood
Progressives urge EU to seize the moment and draw the path to a better future for Europe

Progressives urge EU to seize the moment and draw the path to a better future for Europe

Launching the socialist and democrat push to shape the Conference on the Future of Europe, leading PES figures, citizens and civil society today urged the EU to take bold action for the climate, social rights, and democracy.

Future of Europe & Neighbourhood
Progressives to gather in Rome to kick-off debate on the future of Europe

Progressives to gather in Rome to kick-off debate on the future of Europe

Socialists and democrats are set to convene in the city which gave life to the European Economic Community, the forerunner of the European Union, 64 years ago – Rome – to begin the conversation on the direction of Europe’s future.

Future of Europe & Neighbourhood
Party of European Socialists: European Council must prioritise greater vaccine access

Party of European Socialists: European Council must prioritise greater vaccine access

A clear European strategy to meet vaccine demand must be implemented urgently, the Party of European Socialists said today as progressive prime ministers, European Commissioners and leaders met by videoconference.

Future of Europe & Neighbourhood

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