News & press releases

EU must pursue a just transition and the most ambition path to long-term climate vision

EU must pursue a just transition and the most ambition path to long-term climate vision

The PES welcomes the European Commission report A Clean Planet for All, which outlines its strategic long-term vision for a just transition to a green economy.

Environment, Climate, Energy
PES Environment and Climate Change Network: Sustainability is the bedrock of socialist policies

PES Environment and Climate Change Network: Sustainability is the bedrock of socialist policies

PES member parties, MEPs, trade unions and civil society agreed today that sustainable development must form the backbone of all EU policies.

Environment, Climate, Energy
PES welcomes UN call for urgent climate action

PES welcomes UN call for urgent climate action

The PES fully supports the conclusions of the scientists at the United Nations on the measures needed to slow down global warming.

Environment, Climate, Energy
PES for environmental policy that benefits the planet, consumers and workers

PES for environmental policy that benefits the planet, consumers and workers

PES member parties, MEPs, trade unions and the civil society discussed consumer rights in the circular economy, how to advance clean mobility and how to put a fair price tag on carbon emissions.

Environment, Climate, Energy
PES energy ministers support a progressive European energy agenda

PES energy ministers support a progressive European energy agenda

Ahead of today’s EU energy council, PES energy ministers met today to discuss a progressive agenda for Europe.

Environment, Climate, Energy
Europe must anticipate climate-linked industrial change for a just transition

Europe must anticipate climate-linked industrial change for a just transition

At a meeting of the PES Environment and Climate Change Network today, representatives of PES member parties, MEPs, trade unions and civil society discussed the future of the EU’s cohesion policy in environmental matters, the future of EU energy and climate policy, and the state of play of the Paris Agreement.

Environment, Climate, Energy

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