News & press releases

COP21 success: all countries must now deliver

COP21 success: all countries must now deliver

The Party of European Socialists (PES) celebrates that an international climate agreement has been possible in Paris and congratulates all those who worked hard to achieve it, in particular our French colleagues, and the French President Francois Hollande who showed leadership and bravery in hosting COP21.

Environment, Climate, Energy
Fighting Climate Change, Fighting Injustice – Our Common Cause

Fighting Climate Change, Fighting Injustice – Our Common Cause

Progressive Leaders for a strong climate agreement
If social democracy represent solidarity and reducing inequalities, then the fight against climate change must be at the very heart of our political agenda for now and the years to come. Vulnerable groups – such as children, the poor, people with disabilities and the elderly suffer the most as the climate changes. It places their homes, health, livelihoods and food security at risk. Vulnerable people and communities in all countries at all levels of development are paying the highest price for climate risks. And people in developing countries pay even more.

Environment, Climate, Energy
A truly circular economy for sustainable growth and jobs in  Europe

A truly circular economy for sustainable growth and jobs in Europe

The European Commission today released its plans for transforming the European economy into a circular one, which uses less natural resources, prevents waste and better re-uses materials. The new Circular Economy package was drafted under the lead of Karmenu Vella (PES), Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. A first proposal for a circular economy strategy by the previous Commission was withdrawn by the current Commission in February 2015. Commissioner Vella and First Commission Vice-President Frans Timmermans (PES) promised to table a new and more ambitious proposal at the end of 2015.

Environment, Climate, Energy
’Energy Union should make EU Climate leader’ say progressive  Ministers’

’Energy Union should make EU Climate leader’ say progressive Ministers’

Energy Ministers of the Party of European Socialists (PES) met today in Brussels in preparation of the day’s Energy Council meeting. The Ministers also discussed the first State of the Energy Union with Maroš Šefčovič (PES), Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for the Energy Union.

Environment, Climate, Energy
Energy Union on track

Energy Union on track

Today, Maros Sefcovic, Commission Vice-President for Energy Union, who comes from the Party of European Socialists, presented the European Commission’s first State of the Energy Union. This report looks at progress made in the implementation of the Energy Union strategy that was published by Commission Vice-President Sefcovic in February this year.

Environment, Climate, Energy
European socialist and democrat leaders agree climate declaration

European socialist and democrat leaders agree climate declaration

At a meeting in Paris, leaders of European socialist and democrat parties met and agreed on a declaration calling for a strong agreement at the upcoming global climate change summit – COP21. The leaders gathered in Paris to show their support for a strong, binding agreement, and for the French Parti Socialiste whose government will host COP21 from 30 November to 11 December.

Environment, Climate, Energy

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