News & press releases

Commission Vice-President and PES Energy State Secretaries discuss future of EU energy policy

Commission Vice-President and PES Energy State Secretaries discuss future of EU energy policy

Jorge Seguro Sanches, Portuguese secretary of state for energy, and Emil Högberg, Swedish state secretary to the minister for policy coordination and energy, today met with Maros Sefcovic, European Commission Vice-President for Energy Union, to discuss the future of EU energy policy.

Environment, Climate, Energy
Environment and Climate Change Network: For an ambitious Energy Union that guarantees affordable prices and creates jobs

Environment and Climate Change Network: For an ambitious Energy Union that guarantees affordable prices and creates jobs

The Party of European Socialists will fight for an ambitious implementation of the Energy Union with a strong social dimension and the involvement of social partners.

Environment, Climate, Energy
PES warmly welcomes the ratification of Paris agreement by European Parliament

PES warmly welcomes the ratification of Paris agreement by European Parliament

The Party of European Socialists welcomes the European Parliament’s ratification of the Paris agreement against climate change, in less than one year after its signing.

Environment, Climate, Energy
Achieving real change against climate change

Achieving real change against climate change

The world is already facing the challenge of climate change and doing nothing about it is not an option.
But, how do we move towards a green economy? As progressives, we want to harness the potential of this transition to foster growth, social progress and environmental sustainability. As Europeans, we want to lead this transition.

Environment, Climate, Energy
Paris Agreement must be implemented, with EU at forefront

Paris Agreement must be implemented, with EU at forefront

The Party of European Socialists (PES) today held a meeting of its Environment and Climate Change Network chaired by MEP Jo Leinen. The network brings together representatives of PES member parties, S&D Members of European Parliament, trade unions and civil society to develop and promote progressive environmental and climate change policies. Participants discussed the implications of the COP21 outcomes on the EU’s climate and energy policies, the follow-up of the Commission’s Circular Economy Package and how to tackle energy poverty in Europe.

Environment, Climate, Energy
PES General Affairs Ministers welcome the result of COP21

PES General Affairs Ministers welcome the result of COP21

PES European Affairs Ministers met today in Brussels prior to the GAC Council. The Ministers focused their attention on the preparation of the December European Council for which:
– they welcomed the successful agreement reached last Saturday in Paris on Climate Change.
– they called for a strengthened framework for tackling terrorism,
– they advocated for strong European coordination for tackling the refugee crisis, and
– they renewed their calls for the completion of the Economic and Monetary Union.

Environment, Climate, Energy

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