News & press releases

Gender network tackles intergenerational dialogue

Gender network tackles intergenerational dialogue

The Central & Eastern European Gender Network, supported by the PES, tackled intergenerational dialogue and equal rights in its summer school in Cavtat, Croatia, this weekend.

Gender Equality, Feminism, Diversity
PES Women: Ratifying Istanbul convention is an excellent first step

PES Women: Ratifying Istanbul convention is an excellent first step

The Party of European Socialists – and its member organisation PES Women – warmly welcome the EU’s ratification of the Istanbul convention on preventing and combating violence against women.

Gender Equality, Feminism, Diversity
PES Women deliver equal pay demands to Commissioner Jourová

PES Women deliver equal pay demands to Commissioner Jourová

On European Equal Pay Day, 1 March 2017, the Party of European Socialists presented their demands for equal pay between men and women to Věra Jourová, the European Commissioner responsible for gender equality.

Gender Equality, Feminism, Diversity
PES Women addresses equal pay issue using images of Trump

PES Women addresses equal pay issue using images of Trump

Women would have to work ten years longer – or start working ten years earlier – to match the lifetime earnings of men.

Gender Equality, Feminism, Diversity
Ministers in Malta to push for women’s rights as an EU priority

Ministers in Malta to push for women’s rights as an EU priority

Putting women’s rights and gender equality on the heart of EU’s agenda is the main goal of our PES Gender Equality Ministerial meeting taking place in Valletta on Thursday. Apart from supporting Malta, currently led by a progressive government, the acting president of the European Union in the first half of 2017 in their priorities such as fighting violence against women, ministers also exchanged on work-life balance and LGBTi issues.

Gender Equality, Feminism, Diversity
PES ministers ask for EU Commissioner to put gender policies back in the centre of the European agenda

PES ministers ask for EU Commissioner to put gender policies back in the centre of the European agenda

The PES ministers in charge of gender equality called on the EU leaders and on the European Commission to truly engage in actions to tackle the growing gender inequality and to protect women against the reactionary backlash in some European countries. The ministers agreed that it is essential to put gender policies back in the centre of the European agenda, in a time where the European Union is searching for a new identity. The ministers strongly underlined that our political family should help shape it in a progressive way.

Gender Equality, Feminism, Diversity

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