News & press releases

PES Foreign and European Affairs Ministers with a declaration on Brexit,  calling for swift action

PES Foreign and European Affairs Ministers with a declaration on Brexit, calling for swift action

Ministers of the European and the Foreign Affairs from the PES Family have signed a common declaration on the UK Referendum a few hours after the results were announced.“We regret this outcome. It has always been our aim to continue our work with the government and the people of the United Kingdom on a more prosperous and a more secure Europe within the context of the Union”, the document says.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
HDP leader Demirtas meets PES to discuss lifting of immunity in Turkey

HDP leader Demirtas meets PES to discuss lifting of immunity in Turkey

Selahattin Demirtas, leader of HDP Turkey (PES member party) today held an exchange of views with the PES Presidency on the situation in Turkey. They discussed the recent decision of the Turkish Parliament to permit the lifting of parliamentary immunity from prosecution of a large number of Members of Parliament, the situation in South East of Turkey, and the EU-Turkey agreement.
The Presidency expressed its strong support for the HDP and their leader and their opposition against lifting the immunity of parliamentarians. The Presidency is deeply concerned by the authoritarian path taken by President Erdogan and calls for of the Kurdish peace process to be restarted. The PES will continue to follow very closely the evolution of the situation in Turkey.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
PES discusses preventing radicalization at high level meeting

PES discusses preventing radicalization at high level meeting

High level representatives of PES member parties have met in Brussels to discuss the recent terrorist attacks and develop common progressive solutions to the challenging issues of terrorism and radicalization.
The participants highlighted the need for our political family to answer the citizens’ demands for security with efficient policies. The experts agreed on the vital need to strike the right balance between security measures and the respect of people’s fundamental freedoms and at the same time improve our work on tackling the root causes of terrorism.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
PES disapproves the decision to remove the immunity of the Turkish  MPs

PES disapproves the decision to remove the immunity of the Turkish MPs

The Party of European Socialists finds unacceptable the latest move by the ruling AKP party to strip the MPs in the Turkish Parliament off their immunity. We consider the newly approved suspension of article 83 of the Turkish Constitution as another attempt to crack down on the opposition.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
PES deeply concerned about unconstitutional move to strip Turkish MPs off  immunity

PES deeply concerned about unconstitutional move to strip Turkish MPs off immunity

The Party of European Socialists is deeply concerned about the upcoming vote at the Parliament General Assembly in Turkey to lift the immunity of the members of the Turkish Parliament.We consider the measure to be a new attempt to crack down on the opposition and as directly targeting the HDP party, which an associated member of the PES.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
PES: EU should stand firm on civil rights in Turkey: Visa Liberalisation  should be deserved

PES: EU should stand firm on civil rights in Turkey: Visa Liberalisation should be deserved

The Party of European Socialists calls on Turkey to deliver on its part of the agreement with the EU, notably on its chapter on fundamental rights. We stand firm on our position that respecting human rights and democracy is key to the agreement. With their current actions the Turkish Government has not shown signs of improvement.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation

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