News & press releases

Major European political parties’ joint statement on Brussels  attacks

Major European political parties’ joint statement on Brussels attacks

Statement following the terrorist attacks in Belgium.
We are shocked by the horrific terrorist attacks in Brussels and in the National Airport of Zaventem that took many innocent lives on the 22nd of March. These barbaric and inhumane acts cannot be justified by any cause or any ideology.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
United and strong in difficult times

United and strong in difficult times

The Party of European Socialists condemns in the strongest possible terms the bomb attacks in Brussels.
The PES president Sergei Stanishev said: “This brutal attacks against civilians are despicable, barbaric and inhumane. They seek to terrorize ordinary people, to alter our lifestyle and to challenge the peaceful coexistence in our societies. They will never achieve that objective. We have to stand more united than ever in this difficult moments. Our thoughts are with the dead, the wounded and their families”.
The Party of European Socialists and its member parties stand firmly against terrorism and in favour of freedom, democracy and human rights. The PES extends its condolences to the families of all the victims in this moment of mourning.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
EU Turkey cooperation is vital, Ankara should respect human rights

EU Turkey cooperation is vital, Ankara should respect human rights

Party of European Socialist leaders met today to discuss developments is the situation regarding refugees and relations between the EU and Turkey. They were joined by Selahattin Demirtas HDP Leader – one of the PES Member Parties in Turkey.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
Sergei Stanishev meets with Mustapha Ben Jafar

Sergei Stanishev meets with Mustapha Ben Jafar

Sergei Stanishev, PES President, met this afternoon with Mustapha Ben Jafar, leader of Tunisian social democratic party Ettakatol and the President of the Tunisian Constituent Assembly.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
PES calls for an immediate ceasefire in Turkey to protect  civilians

PES calls for an immediate ceasefire in Turkey to protect civilians

The PES joined, on Friday (19 February), an Socialists and Democrat Group fact-finding delegation to Diyarbakir in the south east of Turkey, two days after the Ankara terrorist attack.
The delegation was led by PES Vice President Jan Royall who said:

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
The PES welcomes the agreement of 17 major powers to halt the violence in  Syria

The PES welcomes the agreement of 17 major powers to halt the violence in Syria

The PES welcomes the US-Russia-led international agreement to halt the violence in Syria on the basis of a ceasefire to be implemented in the course of one week. The agreement reached today in Munich foresees immediate humanitarian help for the civilian population and urges the regime and opposition forces, excluding ISIS and Al Nusrah, to resume talks in Geneva.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation

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