News & press releases

Pictured front row from left: PES Secretary General Giacomo Filibeck, PES Vice-President Victor Negrescu, SPD Germany Spitzenkandidat and PES Executive Vice-President Katarina Barley, S&D President and PES Executive Vice-President Iratxe García, PES Common Candidate Nicolas Schmit, Prime Minister of Romania Marcel Ciolacu, Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholz, PES President Stefan Löfven, Leader of CHP Özgür Özel, Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti. Pictured back row from left: PES Deputy Secretary General Yonnec Polet, Leader of PSDE Moldova Ion Sula, head of PSD-PNL candidate list for the European elections Mihai Tudose, Leader of the Labour Party Ireland Ivana Bacik, President of YES Enric López Jurado, Minister for the National Heritage, the Arts and Local Government Owen Bonnici.

In Bucharest, we stand together for our Europe

Social, democratic and sustainable – this is our Europe. That was the message as the Common Candidate of the Party of European Socialists (PES) Nicolas…

DEM candidate Abdullah Zeydan

Turkey: PES condemns ban on Kurdish candidate Abdullah Zeydan after Sunday’s historic victory

The Party of European Socialists condemns the decision by Turkey’s Ministry of Justice to ban Abdullah Zeydan from office despite his clear victory in the city…

PES Common Candidate Nicolas Schmit (right) shakes hands with Prime Minister of Spain Pedro Sánchez. Also pictured on front row (from left) S&D President Iratxe García and Prime Minister of Portugal António Costa. Pictured back row (from left): PES Deputy Secretary General Saar van Bueren, LSAP Luxembourg lead candidate for the European elections Marc Angel, PS Belgium lead candidate for the European elections Elio di Rupo and interim leader of Vooruit Melissa Depraetere.

European Council must deliver a truly secure Europe for citizens

A secure Europe is not just a well-defended Europe, it is a Union that acts to provide security to its citizens. From defence to employment,…

Tiago Antunes, Secretary of State for European Affairs, Portugal (left) and Yonnec Polet, Deputy Secretary-General, PES

PES Europe ministers: EU must provide progressive solutions and security amidst global instability

From international instability to social precariousness, the EU must be a source of security for its citizens. This starts with ensuring continued support for Ukraine….

Future of Europe & Neighbourhood
Partido Socialista (PS) leader Pedro Nuno Santos at an election rally in the city of Faro in southern Portugal. Photo: PS Portugal/José António Rodrigues.

PES stands with PS in defence of democracy and progress in Portugal

As we approach the 50th anniversary of the 25 April Carnation Revolution, the Party of European Socialists applauds Partido Socialista (PS) and its leader Pedro…

PES Common Candidate Nicolas Schmit speaks on stage at the PES Election Congress in Rome, Italy

Nicolas Schmit pledges to fight for people, democracy and the planet

Europe must be a force to improve people’s lives, defend democracy, and lead the fight against the climate emergency – this is the socialist mission…


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