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PES activists contributions

PES activists contributions

PES activists are members of PES member parties that are active on European level. We can proudly state that we are the only European Party that has 20,000 grassroots activists from all Member States and there are even more than 80 local groups connected to the PES activists city group network.

In the forerun to the Congress, the PES has received written contributions by some PES activists. We would like to present their ideas here as “food for thought” for future debates on European Social Democracy. Feel free to add your view by commenting on this blog post.

27 Roses – Prague PES Congress and European activism – letter to Martine Aubry
27 Roses – Thematical contribution: economy, ecology, social
Paris federation contribution to the PES Congress in Prague
Motion of the eurosocialists in Geneva
PES Lille group – A unique social democratic candidate to the Presidency of the European Commission

PES warns against banning of DTP

PES warns against banning of DTP

The PES is deeply concerned with the ongoing closure case against the Democratic Society Party (DTP) in Turkey, the final hearing of which will be held the 8th of December 2009.

As a democratic party committed to resolving the Kurdish issue through peaceful and political means, the DTP is crucial to achieving a swift solution to the Kurdish issue.

Elections in Cyprus

Elections in Cyprus

21 February 2008
PES President Poul Nyrup Rasmussen said “The Party of European Socialists welcomes the decision of the Social Democratic Party EDEK, our member party in Cyprus, to support the candidature of Demetris Christofias in the Presidential election on 24 February.”

Ivica Racan – Man of integrity

Ivica Racan – Man of integrity

The Party of European Socialists today mourns the loss of Ivica Racan, the Leader of the Croatian Social Democrats.
Ivica Racan played a key role in the break-up of the old Yugoslav Communist Party and later kept the torch of democracy alight, as Leader of the Opposition, during the rule of nationalist, President Franjo Tudjman. Ivica Racan’s years as Prime Minister from 2000-2003 marked the opening up of the country to Europe and the world, and the start of serious economic development. In opposition he was elected SDP President and continued to build the party as the main opposition


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