News & press releases

Le président du PSE fraîchement élu présente sa nouvelle équipe

Le président du PSE fraîchement élu présente sa nouvelle équipe

Aujourd’hui, Sergei Stanishev, nouveau président du Parti socialiste européen, a annoncé les noms de sa nouvelle équipe aux membres du Congrès du PSE. S’adressant à une salle comble, composée de délégués internationaux, d’activistes et de dirigeants, M. Stanishev a invité ses collègues à le rejoindre sur scène, en déclarant :

« Je suis honoré de diriger cette nouvelle équipe du PSE. Ensemble, cette équipe sera bien meilleure que la somme de ses individualités. Nous avons des idées, nous avons des convictions et ensemble, nous trouverons également la force de les exploiter. Aujourd’hui, plus que jamais, notre famille politique doit s’unir et travailler dur afin de remettre l’Europe sur les bons rails. »

PES Congress to ‘set in stone’ plans for common candidate and put Europe on  a new track

PES Congress to ‘set in stone’ plans for common candidate and put Europe on a new track

The Party of the European Socialists (PES) today outlined their plans for their Congress, which takes place in Brussels today and tomorrow (28-29 September).
The plans were outlined by Congress Chair Ruairi Quinn (Minister for Education, Ireland) and Philip Cordery (PES General Secretary and Member of the French National Assembly) at a press briefing this morning.

PES endorses Boris Tadic as ‘the clear choice’ in Serbian Presidential run  off

PES endorses Boris Tadic as ‘the clear choice’ in Serbian Presidential run off

The second round of the Serbian Presidential elections will take place on May 20th between Boris Tadic (Democratic Party) and Tomislav Nikolic (Serbian Progressive Party). The PES believes that Boris Tadic is the obvious candidate to lead Serbia in the coming years.

Only Boris Tadic and the Democratic Party (DS) are capable of leading Serbia  to EU Accession

Only Boris Tadic and the Democratic Party (DS) are capable of leading Serbia to EU Accession

For the past years the Serbian people and government have been working tirelessly towards EU Accession. Under the leadership of the Democratic Party (DS) Serbia has met all the criteria set down by the EU in order to achieve Candidate Status.

PES welcomes Serbian EU ‘Candidate Status’

PES welcomes Serbian EU ‘Candidate Status’

Serbian President Boris Tadic

The European Council on the 1st March 2012 decided to grant Serbia official candidate status, furthering the progress towards Serbian Accession to the EU. The PES President,Sergei Stanishev stated that this decision was due to the work of the Government, the DS Party and particularly President Boris Tadic’strategic vision. “Each post on this path has been navigated by Boris Tadic and the DS Party with assuredness. Each request from the European Union was met. From the initial Commission assessment to yesterday’s Council decision, each challenge has been negotiated with a steady hand”, said the PES President.

PES President praises Tadic’s domestic reforms in Belgrade visit

PES President praises Tadic’s domestic reforms in Belgrade visit

PES President Sergei Stanishev and leader of S&D Group Hannes Swoboda met with Serbian President Boris Tadic and Prime Minister of Serbia Mirko Cvetkovic in Belgrade. The delegation praised the domestic achievements of Tadic’s government and the strong push towards European integration. The meetings took place ahead of the general elections.


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