News & press releases

PES Congratulates the leader of SDP BiH on the formation of a State  Government

PES Congratulates the leader of SDP BiH on the formation of a State Government

This week, after more than a year without a government, the new State Government of Bosnia Herzegovina was formed. The government has been formed with Ministers coming from the six political parties involved in the negotiations. The new Government also adopted a new state budget.

Leaders’ conversation on A just world: “we can only succeed if we are  together”

Leaders’ conversation on A just world: “we can only succeed if we are together”

“What is happening in Tunisia is an example for the Middle East and the entire world”. This was the beginning of the speech given by Khelil Ezzaouia (Ettakatol – FDTL Tunisia) during the third plenary of the Party of European Socialists (PES) Progressive Convention. The plenary, titled “A just world”, explored issues such as migrant rights, decent work and the European response and responsibility in the Arab spring revolutions that have spread across the Middle East and North Africa.

PES President congratulates Montenegro Parliament Speaker and Party Leader  Ranko Krivokapic for steady advancement on EU membership

PES President congratulates Montenegro Parliament Speaker and Party Leader Ranko Krivokapic for steady advancement on EU membership

Poul Nyrup Rasmussen meeting Ranko Krivokapic

PES President Poul Nyrup Rasmussen met Ranko Krivokapic, Leader of the PES Member Social Democratic Party of Montenegro. The Montenegrin Party Leader was in Brussels in his capacity of Parliament Speaker and Head of Delegation of the 3rd EU-Montenegro Stabilisation and Association Parliamentary Committee (SAPC).

PES demands to know if EPP condone Croatian HDZ party’s refusal to allow  Bosnian Government to be formed

PES demands to know if EPP condone Croatian HDZ party’s refusal to allow Bosnian Government to be formed

Commenting on the continuing political stalemate, PES President Poul Nyrup Rasmussen stated that; “I am very concerned about the attitude of HDZ, a Member Party of the European Peoples Party (EPP). By maintaining such an unacceptable stand in the negotiations and blocking every compromise eleven months after the elections, they are showing their total disregard for the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the country as a whole. One must ask if the EPP is aware of the irresponsible conduct of its party?”.

The PES calls for full respect of electoral results in Albania

The PES calls for full respect of electoral results in Albania

The Party of European Socialists (PES) calls for full respect of legal and constitutional safeguards in Albania.
It is deplorable that, in a democracy, electoral results are put in question. The Central Electoral Commission (CEC) should not have decided to recount the votes, as the counting process had been done under the supervision of both parties, and the victory of Edi Rama (Socialist Party of Albania, SPA) over Democratic Party (DP) candidate Lulzim Basha had been declared. Formal appeals have been filed by PES member party SPA.

PES Secretary General meets SDP representatives from BiH in  Brussels

PES Secretary General meets SDP representatives from BiH in Brussels

(18 May, Brussels) PES Secretary General, Phillip Cordery, held talks with Damir Masic, the new Minister of Education and Science in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Sasa Magazinovic, President of the Parliamentary Group of the Social Democratic Party (SDP). The representatives gave an overview on the political situation in their country seven months after the Presidential and Parliamentary elections.


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