News & press releases

PES Campaign Managers coordinate strategy for a new Europe

PES Campaign Managers coordinate strategy for a new Europe

The PES Campaign Managers Network met today in Paris to discuss the coordination of European Election campaigns in their respective countries, at the invitation of PES Vice-President and newly elected PS Leader Jean-Christophe Cambadélis. PES Member Parties underlined the importance of the upcoming European Elections and pledged that through combined efforts, there’s a good chance that Europe will turn left in May.

Martin Schulz discusses progressive values with Luxembourg Socialist  Party

Martin Schulz discusses progressive values with Luxembourg Socialist Party

On Tuesday evening in Luxembourg, Martin Schulz, PES Candidate for European Commission President, set out his vision for the future of the EU. At a town hall campaign meeting organised by the Luxembourg Socialist Party (LSAP), Schulz enjoyed a great exchange with party members and supporters. After an introduction by new LSAP President Claude Haagen, Schulz joined lead MEP candidate Mady Delvaux-Stehres in a conversation with the audience.

PES and Common Candidate praise Maltese PM on civil union bill

PES and Common Candidate praise Maltese PM on civil union bill

PES and Martin Schulz, PES Common Candidate, congratulate Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and the Maltese Labour Party on the adoption of the civil union bill. The bill will grant same-sex couples the legal protections, privileges and obligations granted to married heterosexual couples, including the right to adopt children jointly.

Statement from PES President in Response to Basescu’s TV threats on 12  April

Statement from PES President in Response to Basescu’s TV threats on 12 April

Sergei Stanishev, PES President, today condemned the veiled threats issued by Romanian President Traian Basescu against an MP investigating allegations of corruption against Basescu’s daughter:

Belgian Parti Socialiste Launches European Campaign with Marie Arena as Lead  Candidate

Belgian Parti Socialiste Launches European Campaign with Marie Arena as Lead Candidate

The Parti Socialiste (PS) named its top candidates for May’s European Parliament elections at their congress in Brussels this weekend. Marie Arena, Senator and former Minister-President of the Federation of Wallonia-Brussels, is heading the list of candidates.

European Socialists Elect Martin Schulz as Candidate for Commission  President

European Socialists Elect Martin Schulz as Candidate for Commission President

The Party of European Socialists today elected Martin Schulz as their candidate to be the next President of the European Commission, kicking off the campaign to win Europe’s top job for the social democratic political family.


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