News & press releases

In memorial of Ieke van den Burg

In memorial of Ieke van den Burg

Ieke van den Burg is not any longer among us. She passed away an early morning, after her very last long fight for life and the work, to which she was so devoted. She worked so intensively through her life for what she believed in. The Trade Union movement, which she rightly argued, is and has always been one of the fundamental forces to create and defend our welfare states – in spite of globalization, financial market-crisis and failed economic policy-response through austerity. Again and again arguing for a new direction in Europe, our common PES positions. Same focus and loyalty in her work with corporate governance, Social Policy and workers participation.

PES International Policy Head Joins Swedish Government

PES International Policy Head Joins Swedish Government

The PES Presidency today offered its warmest congratulations to Ann Linde, Head of International unit, who has been appointed as the new State Secretary for Home Affairs by Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven. Linde has served in the PES Secretariat since May 2013, leading the organisation’s work on issues as diverse as trade relations with the USA, humanitarian support in the Middle East, and exchanges on good governance with countries in Asia.

PES Presidency Supports Tanja Fajon for European Commission

PES Presidency Supports Tanja Fajon for European Commission

The PES Presidency today encouraged the Slovenian Government to nominate Tanja Fajon as the country’s next European Commissioner. The Slovenian Government must send a replacement for the failed Liberal candidate Alenka Bratusek, who was overwhelmingly rejected by the European Parliament.

Timmermans will be a key actor in new Commission says PES  President

Timmermans will be a key actor in new Commission says PES President

PES leader Sergei Stanishev congratulated the candidate for first Vice-President of the European Commission Frans Timmermans for an impeccable performance during his hearing in the European Parliament (7 October).

PES develops a coordination strategy to ensure socialists are the first  political force in 2019

PES develops a coordination strategy to ensure socialists are the first political force in 2019

A joint meeting of the S&D Bureau and the SPD Parliamentary group leadership took place on 30 September in the European Parliament. In the course of the meeting the leader of the S&D Group in the European Parliament Gianni Pitella and the PES leader Sergei Stanishev discussed with their German colleagues the need to enhance cooperation and improve coordination between the S&D Group, the PES and the sister parties on a national level.

Statement by PES on PES Congress 2015 in reply to story that appeared online  on 26th September

Statement by PES on PES Congress 2015 in reply to story that appeared online on 26th September

The Party of European Socialists would like to call on online publication, Euractiv, to withdraw the story that gives a false impression of the upcoming PES congress in 2015.


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