News & press releases

Martin Schulz Programme Launch and Campaign Tour

Martin Schulz Programme Launch and Campaign Tour

Programme Launch:
Martin Schulz was in Brussels on 7th of May to launch his policy programme in front of over 60 journalists from across Europe. In case you missed it you can find the video from the conference here and the transcript here.
On the road:
Since being nominated as PES common candidate in Rome on 1 March 2014, Martin Schulz has taken his campaign for the Presidency of the European Commission all over Europe. By the time the last votes are cast on25 May, he will have visited 24 countries and many European towns and cities.

Marching for Change in Europe

Marching for Change in Europe

“The crisis in Europe in only over when our 26 million jobless citizens are back at work”, said Martin Schulz on International Labour Day in Poland.
On 1 May, Martin Schulz marched on the streets of Warsaw together with SLD party leader Leszek Miller and Jan Guz head of the All-Poland Alliance of Trade Unions. They headed a procession of several thousand people.

BSP and Sergei Stanishev mobilise 1000’s for May Day rally

BSP and Sergei Stanishev mobilise 1000’s for May Day rally

The Bulgarian Socialist Party, headed by PES President Sergei Stanishev, mobilised 1000’s of activists for the 1 May International Workers Day celebrations

A Labour Day Message from Martin Schulz

A Labour Day Message from Martin Schulz

The European Elections at the end of this month will go down as a turning point in European history. They will be remembered as the catalyst for change that brought back worker’s rights, employment and a more social Europe. May 2014 has to be remembered as the beginning of the end of harmful austerity-only policies that have ravaged European citizens for far too long.

Schulz Campaign on the Right Track in Ireland

Schulz Campaign on the Right Track in Ireland

The Irish leg of Martin Schulz’s European tour took him to Belfast this afternoon. Schulz travelled up from Dublin by train with a delegation of Irish Labour Party and SDLP youth members. Upon arrival in Belfast, the group joined a campaign rally at the symbolic Belfast Waterfront with MEP candidate Alex Attwood of the SDLP. The visit provided another boost to Attwood on the day that polls gave the clearest sign yet that he could regain a seat in the European Parliament for the SDLP.

Irish Labour Party welcomes Martin Schulz campaign at European election  rally in Dublin

Irish Labour Party welcomes Martin Schulz campaign at European election rally in Dublin

Tonight in Dublin, Martin Schulz joined the Irish Labour Party for a campaign rally for the upcoming European Elections.
Before the rally Schulz met with party leader & Deputy Prime Minister Eamonn Gilmore, Ruairi Quinn, PES Treasurer and Minister for Education & Skills and the Labour Party’s MEP candidates. The group discussed the campaign ahead and how to best coordinate and combine forces for the vote which will take place across Ireland on 23 May.


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