News & press releases

PES Congratulates Federica Mogherini

PES Congratulates Federica Mogherini

The Party of European Socialists offers its warm congratulations to Federica Mogherini, the European Union’s new High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission.

Socialist leaders call for more Progressives in EU Top Jobs

Socialist leaders call for more Progressives in EU Top Jobs

The Presidents of the Party of European Socialists (PES) and the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament (S&D) today called on the European Council to fairly divide the EU’s top jobs.

Stanishev demands Juncker’s Commission implement concrete jobs and growth  investment strategy at EP hearing

Stanishev demands Juncker’s Commission implement concrete jobs and growth investment strategy at EP hearing

PES President Sergei Stanishev today told European Commission President designate, Jean-Claude Juncker that Socialist support for his Commission Presidency depends on his commitment to key progressive policies. Opening the questions at the S&D Group hearing of Mr Juncker this morning, Stanishev recalled the ten-point policy programme he proposed to fellow Socialist party leaders at the PES Pre-Council meeting on 26 June.

PES Congratulates new S&D Group President Gianni Pittella

PES Congratulates new S&D Group President Gianni Pittella

The PES offers its congratulations to Gianni Pittella MEP, who was elected this week as Group President of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament. Pittella represents the Italian Partito Democratico, who officially joined the PES in March 2014.

PES Congratulates Schulz on Historic 2nd Term as Parliament  President

PES Congratulates Schulz on Historic 2nd Term as Parliament President

The PES today offered its warm congratulations to Martin Schulz, the newly re-elected European Parliament President. Schulz was backed by an overwhelming majority of MEPs, receiving 409 of the 612 valid votes cast.

A more progressive Europe is our condition for supporting Juncker, say PES  leaders

A more progressive Europe is our condition for supporting Juncker, say PES leaders

(Ypres, Belgium) Meeting in Ypres on the eve of the European Council, PES Heads of State and Government today gave their support for a more accountable and democratic European Union. The PES insists on a strongly progressive policy programme for the next Commission. The overwhelming message from EU voters is that they want change and that they want policies that address their concerns.


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