News & press releases

PES congratulates SDSM on their strong election result in North Macedonia

PES congratulates SDSM on their strong election result in North Macedonia

The Party of European Socialists welcomes the election victory of our associate party Socijaldemokratski Sojuz na Makedonija (SDSM) in the general election in North Macedonia.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
PES denounces Canan Kaftancıoğlu’s prison sentence for her political tweets

PES denounces Canan Kaftancıoğlu’s prison sentence for her political tweets

The Party of European Socialists regrets the decision of the Turkish Court of Appeals to sentence Canan Kaftancıoğlu, from our Turkish associate party CHP, to ten years in prison for expressing her legitimate opinions on Twitter. The PES calls for the immediate repeal of the sentence.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
PES Foreign Policy Network condemns injustices in Turkey and discusses institutional racism in US and Europe

PES Foreign Policy Network condemns injustices in Turkey and discusses institutional racism in US and Europe

Justice must win out in the USA and Turkey, foreign affairs spokespersons, MEPs, MPs and key representatives from the progressive political family said today as they convened to discuss foreign policy.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
PES President regrets US decision to pull out of digital tax talks

PES President regrets US decision to pull out of digital tax talks

The US administration has decided to withdraw from OECD negotiations on creating international corporate taxation and has warned it will retaliate if European countries plan to go forward with taxing American firms such as Google, Amazon, Facebook and Apple.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
Poland: Duda’s anti-LGBTI stance is a scandal and a sign his campaign is struggling

Poland: Duda’s anti-LGBTI stance is a scandal and a sign his campaign is struggling

The Party of European Socialists is deeply worried that Polish president Andrzej Duda intends to run for re-election on a homophobic agenda, after he announced his intention to ban alleged “LGBTI propaganda”.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
Erdogan’s crackdown on opposition is illegal and antidemocratic

Erdogan’s crackdown on opposition is illegal and antidemocratic

The Party of European Socialists forcefully rejects the detention of members of the Turkish Parliament Leyla Güven and Musa Farisoğulları – from our associate party HDP – and of Enis Berberoğlu – from our associate party CHP. The PES denounces these detentions as fraudulent, political and unjust. All three have been illegally stripped of their parliamentary immunity.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation

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