News & press releases

Denied fair trial took an innocent life in Turkey

Denied fair trial took an innocent life in Turkey

The PES is shocked and saddened by the death of a jailed Turkish lawyer demanding a fair trial. The 40-years old Ebru Timtik, died Thursday in hospital on the 238th day of her hunger strike in the prison of Silivri, near Istanbul.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
PES backs EU action on Belarus

PES backs EU action on Belarus

The Party of European Socialists supports the conclusions of today’s European Council meeting, which expressed solidarity with the Belarussian people and strongly condemned the actions of President Lukashenko.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
The PES condemns political repression in Belarus, calls for EU sanctions on the ones responsible

The PES condemns political repression in Belarus, calls for EU sanctions on the ones responsible

The PES strongly condemns the violence and suppression of peaceful protesters and pro-democracy activists by the Lukashenko government in Belarus.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
Malaysian government with yet another attempt to crack down on the democratic opposition

Malaysian government with yet another attempt to crack down on the democratic opposition

The PES condemns the latest move by the Malaysian government to arrest and charge Lim Guan Eng, a prominent opposition politician and leader of the Democratic Action Party (DAP).

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
PES:  We stand by the people of Lebanon, international support is crucial

PES: We stand by the people of Lebanon, international support is crucial

The PES expresses its solidarity with the families of the victims, the Lebanese people and authorities in the country after the horrible blast in Beirut took more than 100 lives, injured thousands and displaced hundreds of thousands from their homes.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
Reset! Towards digital, climate and regional justice

Reset! Towards digital, climate and regional justice

“Try turning it off and back on again” – how many times have we recommended this to fix our computers? With the Covid-19 outbreak, our economy was suddenly and dramatically turned off.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation

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