News & press releases

In memoriam: Michel Rocard

In memoriam: Michel Rocard

The PES sends its PS France comrades its deepest condolences on the death of Michel Rocard.
European social democracy lost one of its most prominent figures. Mr. Rocard played a major role leading the French government between 1988-91 and left a strong legacy with the adoption of the minimum income (Revenu Minimum d’Insertion, RMI). Later on he became the First Secretary of the Parti Socialiste, the first to be elected by Congress delegates.

PES President Stanishev sends letter of support to the UK Labour  Party

PES President Stanishev sends letter of support to the UK Labour Party

PES President Sergei Stanishev sent a letter of support to the UK Labour party about their campaign for “Remain” on the eve of the referendum in Britain. “The PES strongly believes that Britain must remain a full member of the EU and wishes success to your campaign”, Stanishev wrote.

PES in Slovenia to push for Progressive Reforms

PES in Slovenia to push for Progressive Reforms

Maria João Rodrigues MEP was in Slovenia to discuss Progressive Reforms with the Slovenian government today. The trip, made on behalf of the Party of European Socialists (PES) was part of a series of meetings to exchange views with PES member parties on its Programme of Progressive Reforms – a detailed social-democratic agenda for building sustainable and broadly-shared prosperity in Europe. The PES programme of progressive reforms shows the way towards higher economic growth, quality jobs, better environment and a real equality of opportunity.

High level Progressive Summit in Rome postponed

High level Progressive Summit in Rome postponed

The PES High level Progressive Summit scheduled for 20 May in Rome was postponed. A new date for the summit will be set. The reason for rescheduling the meeting on such short notice is the tragic event concerning the EgyptAir flight MS804.

Federica Mogherini showed humanity in the face of brutality

Federica Mogherini showed humanity in the face of brutality

In the wake of the horrific terrorist attacks which rocked Brussels on 22 March Federica Mogherini displayed a very human reaction during a press conference. She has since been attacked by the right wing who have claimed this indicates weakness. Sergei Stanishev responded:
‘On the contrary to right wing claims that tears are a sign of weakness, we believe this represents Federica Mogherini’s deep humanity and empathy. Qualities which have already led to many diplomatic successes in her role as High Representative. The right must move on from their masculine politics of old.’

The Party of European Socialists mourns the death of Anker  Jørgensen

The Party of European Socialists mourns the death of Anker Jørgensen

The Party of European Socialists mourns the death of former Danish Prime Minister Anker Jørgensen, of the Danish Social Democratic Party. He was 93 years old.


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