News & press releases

PES supports Labour in Irish government

PES supports Labour in Irish government

PES President Sergei Stanishev today announced the firm support of the European socialist family for the Irish Labour party in their election campaign.
Sergei Stanishev addressed Irish people who will vote this Friday:

PES exchanges views with SDP Finland on ‘Programme of Progressive  Reforms’

PES exchanges views with SDP Finland on ‘Programme of Progressive Reforms’

The Party of European Socialists has started a series of meetings to exchange views with its member parties on its Programme of Progressive Reforms. The Programme itself is a socialist and democrat proposal for a new social and economic model for Europe, that aims to provide economic growth, quality jobs and an alternative to the current austerity policies.

PES National Parliaments Group Leaders Network Established in  Rome

PES National Parliaments Group Leaders Network Established in Rome

The chairpersons of the Progressive group in national parliaments of the European Union have met at a conference in Rome on Monday. There they committed to better cooperation between them, through the formation of a network of social democratic parliamentary group leaders. This was an initiative of the Italian Democratic Party’s in cooperation with the German Social Democratic Party. They have been joined by the Groups of the Party of European Socialists (PES) of Austria, France, Sweden, Hungary and Luxembourg.
Read: Conclusions of the Conference of the National Parliamentary Group Chairpersons of the Progressive Parties of the European Union
Check the photos of the meeting on Flickr

The PES supports PASOK in uniting the progressives in Greece

The PES supports PASOK in uniting the progressives in Greece

The leader of PASOK, Fofi Gennimata, recently issued a call for cooperation and unity among all progressive, pro-European, social-democratic forces in Greece. Details of her proposal were presented today to all members of the PES Presidency.

After the elections in Spain: PES stays beside PSOE

After the elections in Spain: PES stays beside PSOE

The PES has monitored closely the elections in Spain last Sunday. The electoral results open a new page in the political history of Spain. Despite being the first voted party and therefore responsible to be first in trying to form a new government the majority in Spain voted for a change against Partido Popular and in favour of the progressive camp.
“We support PSOE and his leader in his approach and will be at his side in the challenging period ahead”, said PES president Sergei Stanishev.

PES condemns threat against Italian minister

PES condemns threat against Italian minister

The PES notes with grave concern a threat against Italian Justice Minister, Andrea Orlando. The Minister received today a letter with bullets inside threatening his life. The letter claims to be from ISIS. Investigations are now underway as to where it came from.


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