News & press releases

PES Presidency adopts progressive Investment Plan in order to help increase  “the living standards of all Europeans”

PES Presidency adopts progressive Investment Plan in order to help increase “the living standards of all Europeans”

The PES Presidency adopted today a Declaration on a European Investment Plan with clear and concrete commitments. During the meeting in Brussels, Presidency members highlighted the urgency to implement an ambitious Investment Plan in Europe in order to effectively promote economic recovery and create new and decent jobs.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
ECJ ruling on abuse of social systems deals a blow to populists

ECJ ruling on abuse of social systems deals a blow to populists

Today the Court of Justice of the European Union presented its ruling (C-333/13) on the question whether EU foreigners living in another EU country can claim social cash benefits from the host Member State’s authorities without having worked in that host State. The issue was dubbed ‘benefit tourism’ by populists who are trying to use the issue to stir xenophobic and anti-EU resentments.
The Party of European Socialists has always denounced these attempts to put the freedom of movement into question, and that the existing framework is up to the task of dealing with the few marginal and individual cases of abuse. This is further reinforced by the recent judgment of the European Court of Justice which set out that Member States, after a case-by-case review can refuse to grant social benefits to economically inactive Union citizens who exercise their rights to freedom of movement solely in order to obtain another Member State’s social assistance.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
PES President at SAMAK Congress: “Europe and the Nordic Model can and must  go hand in hand”

PES President at SAMAK Congress: “Europe and the Nordic Model can and must go hand in hand”

PES President Sergei Stanishev spoke today at the SAMAK 24th Nordic Workers’ Congress, underlining that “the Nordic model could be a model for Europe”, specifically the Nordic labour market model. His speech made reference to NordMod 2030, the joint Nordic research project commissioned by SAMAK and FEPS that studies the development and renewal of the Nordic model up to 2030.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
PES President on Luxembourg leaks: “Europe now more than ever needs equal  and redistributive tax systems”

PES President on Luxembourg leaks: “Europe now more than ever needs equal and redistributive tax systems”

The publication of the findings of the Consortium of the Investigative Journalists regarding the tax evading practices of 343 companies via Luxembourg underlines the need for Europe to take strong political action. The PES has been calling since long for a robust policy to combat tax evasion and tax fraud as well as creating a legal framework for closing down tax havens. Moreover, we have been demanding the introduction of fair corporate tax systems that put an end to unfair tax competition between Member States. Public finances have been put under severe pressure due to the economic and financial crisis. Tax evasion and tax fraud widen the fiscal gap as well as the ability of Member States to mitigate the effects of the crisis and undertake much need investments.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
Sergei Stanishev and Corina Cretu discussed regional policy

Sergei Stanishev and Corina Cretu discussed regional policy

PES leader Sergei Stanishev met today in Strasbourg with Corina Cretu – Commissioner – designate for Regional Policy. Her portfolio is imporant for all European countries and particularly important for the countries of Eastern Europe, where the poorest European regions are.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
Socialists Win Early Concession on Public Health from new  Commission

Socialists Win Early Concession on Public Health from new Commission

The PES welcomed the news today that the European Commission will prioritise citizens’ health over industrial concerns. The new Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker had proposed to re-organise his team to transfer responsibility for key healthcare issues, especially medical devices, to the department for industry, and away from the Commissioner responsible for defending citizens’ health. The Socialist family united in its condemnation of this approach, and negotiated a reversal of these plans with the Commission President.

Employment, Social affairs, Health

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