News & press releases

PES Energy Ministers support creation of a progressive Energy  Union

PES Energy Ministers support creation of a progressive Energy Union

For the first time, the Energy Ministers of the Party of European Socialists (PES) met today in Brussels in preparation of the Energy Council meeting. In an exchange of views with Maroš Šefčovič (PES), Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for the Energy Union, the ministers widely welcomed the Commission’s energy package that was released last week.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
PES President backs Minister Schmit’s call on the European Commission to  take concrete measures to improve the legal situation of mobile workers in the  EU

PES President backs Minister Schmit’s call on the European Commission to take concrete measures to improve the legal situation of mobile workers in the EU

Writing to Commission President Juncker, PES President Sergei Stanishev strongly backs the measures to improve the situation of mobile and domestic workers in Europe that Nicolas Schmit, Luxembourgish Labour Minister and PES Employment and Social Affairs Network Chairman detailed in an open letter sent yesterday to Commissioner for Employment and Social Affairs Marianne Thyssen. Minister Schmit’s proposals are based on a recent declaration of the PES Employment and Social Affairs Ministers, calling for the revision of the Posting of Workers Directive and the establishment of a substantial EU platform against undeclared work.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
PES urges Commissioner Thyssen to propose a substantial revision of the  Posting of Workers Directive

PES urges Commissioner Thyssen to propose a substantial revision of the Posting of Workers Directive

Requesting the European Commission to take decisive steps for a fair workers’ mobility in the EU, Nicolas Schmit, Minister of Labour, Employment and the Social and Solidarity Economy of Luxembourg and Chairman of the PES Employment and Social Affairs Ministers’ network, submitted today an open letter to Employment and Social Affairs Commissioner Marianne Thyssen. In the letter, Minister Schmit stresses the PES’ commitment to work constructively with the Commission to revise the Posting of Workers Directive and to establish a substantial EU platform against undeclared work.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
PES President: Energy Union will serve the climate, citizens, economy and  our external security

PES President: Energy Union will serve the climate, citizens, economy and our external security

Maroš Šefčovič (PES), Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for the Energy Union, today released the Commission’s Framework Strategy for a Resilient Energy Union with a Forward-Looking Climate Change Policy.
The Framework Strategy presents a package of measures to be taken by the EU and its Member States within the next five years of the Commission’s mandate to transform the EU energy system.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
Decent jobs at the core of the PES leaders’ meeting in Madrid

Decent jobs at the core of the PES leaders’ meeting in Madrid

“We will make sure that promises made become actions delivered”, says PES President.
The declaration “More Jobs, Better Jobs, Fairer Jobs!” was signed today by PES leaders at their meeting in Madrid. The document outlines a roadmap towards progressive growth with clear steps for creating quality jobs, eradicating the gender pay gap and creating a fair taxation system. The meeting, attended by Prime Ministers, European Commissioners and party leaders of the PES family, was hosted by the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party (PSOE).

Employment, Social affairs, Health
PES supports International Trade Union Confederation’s global day of action  in defence of the right to strike

PES supports International Trade Union Confederation’s global day of action in defence of the right to strike

PES President Sergei Stanishev said: “The Party of European Socialists strongly supports the ITUC’s day of action. The right to strike is a fundamental workers’…

Employment, Social affairs, Health

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