News & press releases

PES Employment and Social Affairs Ministers agree on an ambitious social  agenda for the period July 2015-June 2017

PES Employment and Social Affairs Ministers agree on an ambitious social agenda for the period July 2015-June 2017

PES Ministers for Employment and Social Affairs met ahead of the EPSCO Council on 17 June in Luxembourg. The Ministers welcomed the programme of the Luxemburgish Presidency presented by Nicolas Schmit, Minister for Labour, Employment, Social and Solidarity Economy, who is also Chairman of the PES Social and Employment Ministers Network. The next four consecutive presidencies of the EPSCO Council from July 2015 to June 2017 will be held by PES Ministers from Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Slovakia and Malta. The ministers agreed to use the opportunity this presents to promote a common set of priorities and reinforce the social agenda of the EU.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
PES Roadmap for a Progressive Europe

PES Roadmap for a Progressive Europe

Environment, Climate, Energy
PES Energy Ministers: ‘Empowering consumers at the heart of our progressive  European energy policy agenda’

PES Energy Ministers: ‘Empowering consumers at the heart of our progressive European energy policy agenda’

Energy Ministers of the Party of European Socialists (PES) met today in Luxembourg in advance of the day’s Energy Council meeting. The Ministers discussed the next steps in the implementation of the Energy Union with Maroš Šefčovič (PES), Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for the Energy Union.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
PES Fair Growth Conference to take place in Brussels on 26 March

PES Fair Growth Conference to take place in Brussels on 26 March

“We must step up our demands and accelerate change in Europe”, says PES President
The Party of European Socialists (PES) hosted on the 26 March a high-level conference on investment and growth. The event, titled PES Fair Growth Conference, took place with the participation of PES President Sergei Stanishev, the Luxembourgish Minister for Labour, Employment, Social and Solidarity Economy Nicolas Schmit and PS Belgium Vice-president and Leader of the Group in the Chamber of Representatives Laurette Onkelinx, among others.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
PES leaders and heads of state demand a ‘forward-looking Energy  Union’

PES leaders and heads of state demand a ‘forward-looking Energy Union’

The European Council summit should focus on “a strong, progressive Energy Union that cares for our climate while securing our external energy supply”, says Party of European Socialists (PES) Sergei Stanishev, who hosted today the preparatory meeting at Palace d’Egmont in Brussels. The event, aimed to prepare the PES common strategy for the EU Council, counted with the participation of PES heads of state and leaders such as François Hollande and Maroš Šefčovič, among others.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
PES Deputy Secretary General Yonnec Polet at PS Brussels meeting:  “Only  together we can build a society where everybody has an opportunity”

PES Deputy Secretary General Yonnec Polet at PS Brussels meeting: “Only together we can build a society where everybody has an opportunity”

“Only together we can build a society where everybody has an opportunity”, says Polet.
PS Brussels President Laurette Onkelinx hosted yesterday the first of a series of meetings with young people from the Belgian capital. The goal was to have an open and frank discussion on unemployment, freedom of expression, Islamophobia and the recent terrorist attacks in Paris. The meeting was also attended by S&D Group President Gianni Pittella and PES Deputy Secretary General Yonnec Polet.

Employment, Social affairs, Health

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