News & press releases
1st meeting of the PES Agriculture Ministers
Today, 30 September, Agriculture Ministers from the PES family met ahead of an EU Agriculture Council for the first time. The Ministers welcomed the opportunity to improve their coordination and form common progressive positions ahead of the Council meetings.
Progressive alliance makes fight against inequality priority
On 22 and 23 August the Progressive Alliance organised an exchange on ‘the global fight against inequality’ in Montevideo, Uruguay. ‘As progressives, we have seen the world evolve at a high speed in the last couple of years, often to the detriment of the weakest in our society’, says Marije Laffeber, Deputy Secretary General of the PES. ‘We need a new agenda, a new global message, with equality and social justice at its core.’
SPD Drives Positive Social Change with New Minimum Wage Law in Germany
On 3 July, the German Bundestag adopted a new Minimum Wage Bill, fulfilling an important election pledge of the SPD. Our German Social Democrat member party had made this legislation a core condition of the coalition agreement with their partners in Government. Sigmar Gabriel, Vice-Chancellor and SPD leader hailed the moment as “a historic day” for Germany, and a sign of “great social progress”.
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