News & press releases

“PROMOTING A CULTURE OF TOLERANCE IN EUROPE” – PES Democracy Network 11  March, Ljubljana

“PROMOTING A CULTURE OF TOLERANCE IN EUROPE” – PES Democracy Network 11 March, Ljubljana

Europe is going through very difficult times, with the Schengen Agreement seemingly on the verge of breaking down, and EU values and fundamental rights challenged because of the recent crisis. As a result we are experiencing a populist backlash against immigration, which is moving towards anti-EU positions.

Democracy, Justice, Rule of Law
Stanishev met with HDP leader Demirtas in Brussels

Stanishev met with HDP leader Demirtas in Brussels

During meetings on the margins of the PES pre-EU Council meeting, PES President Sergei Stanishev was clear that while the PES supports the EU-Turkey Action plan, this cannot come at the expense of human rights, rights of minorities and the freedom of the press in Turkey.

Democracy, Justice, Rule of Law
Securing Macedonia’s democratic future

Securing Macedonia’s democratic future

The PES has demanded that the conditions for free and fair elections be fulfilled immediately so that elections can be held and a democratic government installed without delay.

Democracy, Justice, Rule of Law
PES welcomes civil union law in Italy

PES welcomes civil union law in Italy

The Party of the European Socialists praise the historical result achieved last night by the Italian Senate in adopting the Civil Unions Law. The Partito Democratico, under Matteo Renzi’s leadership, managed to finally grant long awaited rights to citizens who had never enjoyed them. This is a great success to be proud of.

Democracy, Justice, Rule of Law
Elections in FYR Macedonia will fail without further reforms

Elections in FYR Macedonia will fail without further reforms

On Monday (18 January) the Parliament of FYR Macedonia dissolved itself, announcing early elections on 24 April. This happened in spite of the fact that two major preconditions for fair elections – an audit of the list of voters and media reform – have not yet been fulfilled. Despite repeated criticism from actors involved in the mediation process the Parliament proceeded with its dissolution. A temporary government has been in place in FYR Macedonia ever since PES associate party SDSM released evidence last year of widespread wiretapping on part of the government, revealing large scale corruption and interference with the justice system.

Democracy, Justice, Rule of Law
European socialists condemn Polish government

European socialists condemn Polish government

The state of democracy in Poland is being pushed into sharp decline and is at risk. European authorities must do all they can to stop this downward spiral. This was the assessment of the situation in Poland from the Presidency of the Party of European Socialists (PES), a high-level decision-making body within the Party. The Presidency supported the European Commission’s use of the Rule of Law Framework as a good starting point.

Democracy, Justice, Rule of Law

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