News & press releases

PES President on Greek election results

PES President on Greek election results

Commenting on the results of the national elections in Greece, Party of European Socialists (PES) President Sergei Stanishev stated: “This is a democratic result that needs to be respected. The Greek people have suffered a lot from the crisis and their vote constitutes an explicit protest against the Troika and the austerity measures imposed by conservative Europe. Their vote is a message that needs to be listened to: this austerity obsessed Europe must come to an end. This is the change that the PES, with PASOK and all our parties have been fighting for since the beginning of the crisis, and for which we are starting to see real results with active policies across Europe that are investing more and more in social issues and fair growth”.

Democracy, Justice, Rule of Law
Serious victory for the socialist family and for the EU citizens

Serious victory for the socialist family and for the EU citizens

PES President Sergei Stanishev welcomes European Commission’s progress on promoting investment and growth
The PES welcomes the Commission’s communication regarding the use of the flexibility in the Stability and Growth Pact as well as the legislative proposal on the European Fund for Strategic Investment (EFSI). It has been a long fight to achieve this result but, thanks to Commissioner Pierre Moscovici, the PES family has secured a huge step forward. The Party of European Socialists has been calling since the beginning of the crisis against the austerity-only approach of the past, and for greater use of flexibility as well as for intensifying the use of investment. These are major drivers for stimulating growth, employment, and sustainable budgets.

Democracy, Justice, Rule of Law
PES Women and Rainbow Rose Call for Increased Investment in HIV/AIDS  Treatment Globally

PES Women and Rainbow Rose Call for Increased Investment in HIV/AIDS Treatment Globally

1st of December, World Aids day
This year two very important reports have been published: the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDG) Report 2014 and a study by the US Centre for Disease Control (CDC) in The Journal of the American Medical Association.

Democracy, Justice, Rule of Law
Statement of solidarity on the political developments in Bulgaria

Statement of solidarity on the political developments in Bulgaria

PES expresses its deep concern about the latest political developments in Bulgaria.
We deplore the fact that the new government, created after the early parliamentary elections, is highly dependent on a political formation known for its nationalist, anti-humane, anti-European and xenophobic views. This support is based on an official agreement between Patriotic Front and the leading party in the government – GERB, member of EPP.

Democracy, Justice, Rule of Law
PES President supports Victor Ponta as the “Prime Minister who follows a  progressive, social and democratic agenda for Romania”

PES President supports Victor Ponta as the “Prime Minister who follows a progressive, social and democratic agenda for Romania”

After a tight race in the Romanian presidential elections, the Party of European Socialists (PES) President Sergei Stanishev wants to express his full support for the PSD candidate Victor Ponta, who has been Prime Minister of Romania since May 2012.

Democracy, Justice, Rule of Law
PES European Affairs Ministers meet in Brussels

PES European Affairs Ministers meet in Brussels

Today, 18 November, Ministers from the PES family in charge of European Affairs met to coordinate their positions ahead of the General Affairs Council in Brussels.

Democracy, Justice, Rule of Law

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