News & press releases

PES Justice Ministers on refugee crisis: solidarity and responsibility  sharing are key

PES Justice Ministers on refugee crisis: solidarity and responsibility sharing are key

On Thursday 8th October, the Justice Ministers from the PES family met ahead of the Justice and Home Affairs Council (JHA) in Luxembourg. The PES Justice Ministers used this opportunity to further deepen their coordination on dossiers of common interests and also debate over the latest events in the European judicial field.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
PES supports refugee action

PES supports refugee action

Member parties of the Party of European Socialists (PES) today agreed a declaration ‘Refugees – a Progressive and humanitarian response’.
President Sergei Stanishev emphasized the importance of this issue for PES member parties.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
Connecting the rule of law with EU values and fundamental rights

Connecting the rule of law with EU values and fundamental rights

The EU Scoreboard on democracy and fundamental rights was the main focus of a meeting of the PES Democracy Network on Wednesday 23 September 2015. The network gathered experts, MPs and MEPS in Brussels at its second meeting of the year to discuss the proposal which could help to monitor the compliance of Member States with article 2 of the EU treaty. Since the first meeting in 2013, strengthening the respect of the rule of law and fundamental rights has been one of the main aims of the Network.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
Refugee Crisis – All must take their responsibility

Refugee Crisis – All must take their responsibility

The President of the Party of European Socialists (PES) Sergei Stanishev said, following the PES Prime Ministers’ pre-Council meeting:
“European Socialists and Democrat leaders welcome this summit which provides an important opportunity to tackle the refugee crisis currently affecting Europe and neighbouring countries. Today European Leaders should show the true meaning of the ‘Union’ based on solidarity and responsibility. EU values are non-negotiable, and must be respected by all Member States. In this regard, I am very concerned by the declaration of the Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic Robert Fico regarding differential treatment of refugees based on their religion. This is in breach of our fundamental values.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
PES tackles big issues of migration

PES tackles big issues of migration

Migration is at the top of the EU agenda and urgent European action is needed to resolve the crisis currently ongoing in Europe and in the Middle East. That is why the PES this week gathered experts from social democratic parties across Europe to discuss ways of resolving it.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
Concerns regarding trial of  Leopoldo López in Venezuela

Concerns regarding trial of Leopoldo López in Venezuela

Leopoldo López, one of the leaders of the Venezuelan opposition, has been condemned to almost 14 years of prison. He has been charged with participating and inciting anti-governmental protests of January 2014, which led to the death of 43 people.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation

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