News & press releases

“Long term solutions needed to prevent more tragedy in the Middle  East”

“Long term solutions needed to prevent more tragedy in the Middle East”

PES President Sergei Stanishev meets UNRWA chief Pierre Krahenbuhl
Today, PES President Sergei Stanishev called for more stability and support to facilitate the work of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). The PES President met with UNRWA Commissioner Pierre Krahenbuhl to discuss UNRWA’s work in the Middle East. UNRWA provides health, education and social services for about 5 million Palestine refugees in Palestine, Syria, Lebanon and Jordan. The organisation is facing enormous challenges due to the rise in conflicts in the region.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
PES President reacts to horrific attack in France

PES President reacts to horrific attack in France

Following an attack this morning on a factory in Isère in France, the PES President Sergei Stanishev expressed condolences for the events: “It is with disgust and horror that I hear of another terrorist attack on European soil. I offer my condolences and solidarity to the French people in this difficult moment.”

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
Condolences to victims of attacks in Tunisia and Kuwait

Condolences to victims of attacks in Tunisia and Kuwait

Following an earlier attack in France, Tunisia and Kuwait have now also fallen victim to horrific terrorist attacks today.
Sergei Stanishev commented: “We share the same solidarity with our Tunisian brothers and sisters as we do with those in France. I also wish to express my condolences to the families of those tourists killed in Tunisia. These two countries, with close historical links, have both seen repeated terrorist attacks on their soil and have both responded with the same solidarity and resolve.”

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
PES Roadmap for a Progressive Europe

PES Roadmap for a Progressive Europe

Environment, Climate, Energy
PES congratulates associate parties HDP and CHP with historic election  result

PES congratulates associate parties HDP and CHP with historic election result

Yesterday Turkish voters took to the polls to elect a new Parliament. Through massive participation in a peaceful democratic vote, they changed the outlook of the political landscape in Turkey. PES associate party HDP wrote history by surpassing the electoral threshold of ten percent, while CHP obtained the second highest result with 25% of the votes. President Erdogan’s AK Party lost the absolute majority, obtaining 41 % of the vote.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
The PES supports its sister parties ahead of the elections in  Turkey

The PES supports its sister parties ahead of the elections in Turkey

On Sunday 7 June, Turkish citizens will choose the 550 members who will represent them in the Turkish Parliament. The elections are taking place in a climate of increased restrictions of freedom, imposed by President Erdoğan of the leading AKP Party. Recent crackdowns on media channels, journalists and social media networks have made it difficult for political parties to campaign. The electoral threshold of 10 per cent also represents a huge obstacle for smaller parties wanting to take part in the democratic debate.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation

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