News & press releases

PES leaders join forces against violence and radicalism ahead of European  Council

PES leaders join forces against violence and radicalism ahead of European Council

“If we want to eradicate extremism, security and inclusiveness must go hand in hand”, says PES President
The Party of European Socialists (PES) held today the European Council Preparatory meeting in Brussels, where PES leaders, Prime Ministers, Head of States and EU Commissioners condemned the recent terrorist attacks in Paris and discussed the development of a comprehensive European strategy to counter these and other acts of violence and radicalism in the continent.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
PES Ministers for European Affairs condemn the use of violence and terrorist  actions

PES Ministers for European Affairs condemn the use of violence and terrorist actions

The PES Ministers for European Affairs met today in Brussels to coordinate their positions ahead of the General Affairs Council. The Ministers had the opportunity to discuss their stance against terrorism by developing their views on pursuing new security measures. They unanimously condemned the use of violence exerted through terrorism and discussed the strategy that could be undertaken in order to effectively fight against radicalism and extremism and promote cohesive and inclusive societies across Europe.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
PES meets with MK Hilik bar secretary general of the Israeli Labor  Party

PES meets with MK Hilik bar secretary general of the Israeli Labor Party

Last week the PES Deputy Secretary General Yonnec Polet met up with Hilik Bar, Member of Knesset of the Israeli Labor party responsible for international affairs. The Labor party is gearing up towards elections on the 17th March. Polls are predicting a tight race between Labor and Likud, the party of incumbent Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
Government of FYR Macedonia should respect fundamental democratic values in  dealing with opposition

Government of FYR Macedonia should respect fundamental democratic values in dealing with opposition

The PES has followed with increased concern the recent developments taking place in FYR Macedonia. In a televised press conference, Macedonian PM Gruevski accused Zoran Zaev, leader of the Macedonian Social Democratic Union of espionage and violent threats against government officials, but so far no official charges have been brought against him by the Public Prosecutor. The accusations came a week before he was about to release alleged evidence of widespread phone tapping and electoral fraud on part of the Macedonian government.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
PES Presidency: “the answer to terrorism and extremism is unity”

PES Presidency: “the answer to terrorism and extremism is unity”

The PES Presidency stressed today the importance of protecting our democratic values against extremist threats and terrorist acts like the recent tragic events in France. The declaration “United against fear” was approved during the meeting, a strong-worded document that urges “all European political parties to fight against contemporary totalitarian ideologies, against extremism, against all those who try to frame our societies and our values in categories or boxes, where the other is a threat for our safety”.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
PES strongly condemns killing of Egyptian activist Shaimaa  al-Sabbagh

PES strongly condemns killing of Egyptian activist Shaimaa al-Sabbagh

On the 25th of January 2011, we were all wakened up by an unprecedented mobilisation of thousands of peaceful and hopeful Egyptians who, through the streets of Cairo, conquered Tahrir Square demanding freedom and democracy for their country. Since that day many events have shaped the country and the whole region, both for the best and for the worst – the last one being the killing of 32-year old socialist activist Shaimaa al-Sabbagh.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation

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