News & press releases

PES visits Serbia

PES visits Serbia

Between 4 and 6 June PES visited Belgrade, Serbia, to congratulate the newly elected leader of the Democratic Party Bojan Pajtic, meet several centre left parties, and assess the political and economic situation of the country after being hit hard by floods mid-May

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
PES welcomes Fatah-Hamas unity government

PES welcomes Fatah-Hamas unity government

After seven years of rivalry, a Palestinian unity government was sworn in on Monday June 2nd. During the ceremony, President Abbas said that the new government would ‘follow the priorities and principles of the previous agreements, including building Palestinian civil society institutions, accountability, rule of law, as well as respecting international law.’

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
PES welcomes the result of the Ukrainian presidential elections

PES welcomes the result of the Ukrainian presidential elections

Sunday was a crucial day for the European Union, but also for Ukraine, where citizens went to vote for the first time since the protests started at the end of last year. Out of an estimated turnout of 60%, a vast majority of voters entrusted Petro Poroshenko with the responsibility to steer their country in the right direction.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
PES President condemns Brussels Jewish Museum Shooting

PES President condemns Brussels Jewish Museum Shooting

The PES President Sergei Stanishev issued a statement on behalf of the Party of European Socialists reacting to the shooting in front of the Jewish Museum in Brussels, resulting in the murder of three people.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
Malta trip occasion for Martin Schulz to outline common EU immigration  policy plan

Malta trip occasion for Martin Schulz to outline common EU immigration policy plan

Party of European Socialists candidate for European Commission President, Martin Schulz, used his trip to Malta to outline his detailed proposals for a common EU policy on immigration. Schulz attended a series of events with Maltese Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, the highlight being a European election rally with over 1000 Partit Laburista supporters.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
Ahead of presidential elections, PES supports civil society claims for a  more democratic Algeria

Ahead of presidential elections, PES supports civil society claims for a more democratic Algeria

The upcoming presidential elections in Algeria, scheduled to take place on the 17th April, is of a crucial importance for the future of the country. On this occasion, the PES wishes to mark its strong opposition towards the decision of incumbent President Abdelaziz Bouteflika to run for a fourth consecutive term. In power since 1999, Bouteflika has constantly failed to adopt much needed reforms aimed at improving the social and economic situation of the population.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation

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