News & press releases

High Level PES Delegation visits China

High Level PES Delegation visits China

Sergei Stanishev, President of the PES, arrived in Beijing on Monday 1 September to lead a high level delegation in China. Among others in the delegation are the Foreign Minister of Bosnia & Herzegovina Zlatko Lagmdzija, the speaker of the Czech Parliament Jan Hamacek, the party leader of the Democratic Party in Serbia Bojan Pajtic and Eamon Gilmore, Former Deputy Prime Minister of Ireland.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
PES commemorates victims of flight MH17

PES commemorates victims of flight MH17

The PES leadership commemorates the victims of flight MH17, which was downed on 17 July in the Eastern Ukraine on its way from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur. Among the 298 victims, 80 children lost their lives.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
PES calls for de-escalation of violence in Palestine and Israel

PES calls for de-escalation of violence in Palestine and Israel

In the last few weeks tensions have been running high in Palestine and Israel. The violence started after the kidnapping and killing of three Israeli teenagers in June, followed by a military operation leading to the arrest of at least 364 Palestinians and the revenge killing of a Palestinian teenager by three Israelis. Meanwhile rockets have been fired from the Gaza Strip into Israel, followed by retaliation airstrikes from the Israeli army killing at least 27 Palestinians, 7 of which under the age of 15.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
PES President meets the Minister of Foreign Affairs of North  Cyprus

PES President meets the Minister of Foreign Affairs of North Cyprus

PES president Sergei Stanishev received Mr. Özdil Nami, Minister of Foreign Affairs of North Cyprus on the 8th of July to discuss the current situation in Cyprus. Mr. Nami was worried that the peace negotiations that was re-launched earlier this year, now had gone into a stalemate. He underlined the importance of the Turkish Cypriots to have a place in the EU Parliament to make their voices heard. This has been accepted by the S&D group but not by the whole parliament.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
PES & Observer Party Mark Moldovan Accession Talks

PES & Observer Party Mark Moldovan Accession Talks

The Chairman of the Democratic Party of Moldova (PDM), a PES Observer Member Party, was in Brussels on 24 June for Moldova’s historic signing of an Association Agreement with the European Union.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
PES & SDSM discuss elections in FYR Macedonia

PES & SDSM discuss elections in FYR Macedonia

Senior representatives of PES Associate Member SDSM (Socialdemocratic Union of Macedonia) met with colleagues at the PES on 5 June. President Zoran Zaev and Deputy President Radmila Sekerinska, PES Presidency Member, came to Brussels for an exchange with Deputy Secretary General Yonnec Polet at the PES headquarters.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation

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